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COX 2 Ver. 1.54.65 released!
February 13, 2025
Virtua Sinner
A new release? Two days shy of only one month after the last release? Yes! The weeks immediately following a release are actually the time I most enjoy working on Caverns. Why? Because I know I’ve g...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.50.93 released!
January 16, 2025
Virtua Sinner
Not gonna lie. The last few months have been hard. We lost a beloved cat, and that rocked our little family. It also threw me off course with work on this game for more than a month, and I despaired f...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.47.37 released!
October 15, 2024
Virtua Sinner
It's time for the tri-monthly update to Caverns! And this one's a very, very big one. All details are below, but there is tons of new content, there's been some serious rebalancing of things that were...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.40.94 released!
July 10, 2024
Virtua Sinner
MORE STUFF! LESS BUGS! BETTER BALANCE! This update contains a lot of new content, but as much emphasis was put on improving balance between different religions and - as always - bug fixes. In addition...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.37.12 released!
April 29, 2024
Virtua Sinner
The most recent update to the game, while adding a lot of content, unfortunately let a few more bugs through than I could tolerate. This smaller patch addresses a lot of those, and also adds a few qua...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.36.89 released!
April 10, 2024
Virtua Sinner
So, the trend of biting off things I've been avoiding for fear of the difficulty in implementing continues! Lots of new content here, as always, and lots of improvements and bug fixes, but the highlig...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.32.01 Released!
January 21, 2024
Virtua Sinner
This is a pretty small update, but it's got some crucial stuff in it. During a playthrough I recorded for Youtube on my RogueLove channel, I found a few critical bugs, as well as a host of very minor...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.31.43 Released!
January 07, 2024
Virtua Sinner
This update isn't on the scale that the last few have been, but there's still a decent chunk of new content, a few quality of life improvements and all important bug fixes. As always, bears repeating:...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.30.18 released!
October 15, 2023
Virtua Sinner
This is just a small update to fix a few oversights in the last huge launch. Most of the bugs here were minor but it galled me that they snuck past playtesting, so rather than wait another 3 months fo...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.30.04 Released!
October 10, 2023
Virtua Sinner
QUICK ADDENDUM: There was a minor bug discovered a couple hours after uploading 1.30.03, so this is now 1.30.04. If you've already downloaded 1.30.03, the 1.15.23 to 1.30.04 patch will rectify the err...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.15.23 released!
July 10, 2023
Virtua Sinner
Alright, guys. Despite a several hundred mile move and first-time home ownership, alongside a host of other major life changes, I managed to put together what I think is a very cool 3 month update for...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.12.43 Released!
April 10, 2023
Virtua Sinner
It's been around 8 months since the last update, guys, and there's a reason for that: this update is huge! Along with all the usual improvements - more content, quality of life improvements, bug fixes...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.03.69 released
August 21, 2022
Virtua Sinner
Hello Caverns explorers! This update is coming slightly earlier than I had intended because, as manicsatanic thankfully pointed out to me, I screwed up in the last upload, forgetting I had previously...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.02.87 Released
April 23, 2022
Virtua Sinner
Hey, hey! Time for more fun and danger down in the Caverns! Tons of bugfixes and loads of new content too! Details below! As a reminder for anyone who wants to support the development of Caverns of Xa...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.01.53 released
December 31, 2021
Virtua Sinner
Happy last day of the year, everyone! It's only been a week since the last update, but in that last release it turns out that by fixing one error I created a new, more serious one - if you've been pla...
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COX 2 Ver. 1.00.84 release
December 24, 2021
Virtua Sinner
Another Holiday update! I couldn't let the year go by without getting up all the stuff I've been working on. There's some new content, some improvements, but mostly a whole lot of bug fixes that are o...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.99.61 release
December 20, 2020
Virtua Sinner
Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays! This isn't as large an update as the last one, but it's still got some awesome new stuff along with the usual minor improvements and bug fixes that you definitely want befo...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.98.33 release
August 08, 2020
Virtua Sinner
Playtesting a game like Caverns can be tricky, as there hundreds of thousands of moving parts, and there's no telling when they'll come in contact with one another or what consequences might arise. A...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.91.70 release
June 11, 2020
Virtua Sinner
As always, this update brings a lot of new content, tons of bug fixes, and restores previously removed player classes! But it also includes some significant quality of life improvements, specifically...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.89.31 released ON THE SAME DAY as 0.89.30! (Whoops!)
March 30, 2020
Virtua Sinner
Discovered a small but happiness reducing bug and didn't want to let it sit for the few months it will take for the next update. Sorry I didn't catch it sooner! Ver. 0.89.31 changelog: Bug Fix - Fix...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.89.30 release
March 30, 2020
Virtua Sinner
The newest Caverns update includes a LOT of new content and bug fixes, but also a major rebalancing of the game. My personal goal - when I will consider the game "balanced" - is when I, the developer...
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December 13, 2019
Virtua Sinner
Caverns of Xaskazien II is not a complex game for a large roguelike, but may be complex to those newer to the genre, or even to those who are just used to the traditions established by other roguelike...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.87.20 release
November 12, 2019
Virtua Sinner
Sorry for the infrequency of updates of late. I've been injured in such a way that computer use has become more difficult, and am still some ways out from being able to code for prolonged periods aga...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.87.02 release
August 12, 2019
Virtua Sinner
More content! More bugfixes! More fun! NOTE - if you're downloading the patch and have previously altered your preferences in the game, you'll have to do so again - this patch, of necessity, overwri...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.85.28 release
July 16, 2019
Virtua Sinner
Okay, so here’s the deal: I bit off a lot with the next intended update. Its primary thrust centers on the introduction of class and race based Perks, to ensure that characters are even further diff...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.79.81 release
January 21, 2019
Virtua Sinner
Download the patch if you're upgrading, or the whole game if you're new to it! If upgrading, just download the zip file, place it in your main Caverns of Xaskazien 2 folder, unzip it, and answer yes...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.78.94 release
October 15, 2018
Virtua Sinner
Download the patch if you're upgrading, or the whole game if you're new to it! If upgrading, just download the zip file, place it in your main Caverns of Xaskazien 2 folder, unzip it, and answer yes...
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COX 2 Ver. 0.76.89 release
August 17, 2018
Virtua Sinner
This is a quick update, but there were a couple of critical things I wanted to address, so enjoy! If you've previously downloaded ver. 0.76.65 or 0.76.66, the new patch download will get your game ri...
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