COX 2 Ver. 0.98.33 release
Playtesting a game like Caverns can be tricky, as there hundreds of thousands of moving parts, and there's no telling when they'll come in contact with one another or what consequences might arise. After uploading the last update, I got to work on adding tons of new content, but as I did so, I realized how many bugs I had accidentally let slip past in previous updates. So, when I finished with the new content, I got to work on playtesting. And playtesting. And playtesting. I played more than 200 games through (at least the pandemic lockdown was good for something!). Some were quick, where I died in early levels. Some took many hours to see me through to victory. But I spotted and fixed many, many bugs. As a result, version 0.98.33 represents not only the biggest leap forward to date in terms of content, but also should represent the most bug free version of the game to date. Are all the bugs gone? Probably not. I refer you again to hundreds of thousands of moving parts. But hopefully any that remain are benign. Let me know if you spot any. Here's the massive patch notes:
Major Improvements:
- Restored Classes: Acrobat, Hive Master, Militiaman, Giant Slayer, Merchant, Researcher.
- New Perks: Adroit, Clamber, No Vertigo, Perfect Balance, Long Jumper, Nimble, Parkour, Web Slinger, What’s the Buzz?, Detoxify, Summon Insect, Calm Insects, Extract Venom, Speak with Insect, Battlefield Scavenger, Duck and Cover, Shield Care, On Guard, Shield Bash, End It Quick, Sound the Horn, Big Foot Prints, Barge On In, Mighty Blow, Not So Tough, Now!, Trophy Hunter, You Call That Big?, Cut Em Down to Size, Pour on the Charm, Money Management, Customer Service, Just One More Thing, Passive Income, Check in the Back, Instant Sale, Brainy, Arc Volt, Objectivity, Constant Study, Antibodies, Well Insulated, Philosophy.
- New Spells: Charm Insectoid, Cleave Soul (monsters can cast, too), Jump, Detect Magic, Electric Touch, Call Spirit, Meteor Strike (monsters can cast, too).
- New Mundane Item: Giant Trophy.
- New Magic Items: Othitlo’s Stair Wish, Voodoo Doll, Boots of Jumping.
- New Potion: Potion of Invulnerability.
- New Booby Trap: Rope Snare.
- New Event: Skeletal Army.
- New Map Tiles: Cult Temple, Corrupted Shrine, Onyx Altar, Memory Tree.
- New Monsters: Four Armed Swamp Freak, Mud Sucker, Swamp Golem, Dead Willow Tree Man, Swamp Dragon, Dergho Demon, Lava Imp, Magman, Lava Wight, Abyssal Ant, Magma Golem, Tar Demon.
- New Monster Variants: Felmont Outlaw, Giant Worker Ant, Treacherous Thief, Cunning Thief, Surprising Thief, Crystethian Assassin, Mountain Orc, Orcish Overlord, Orcish Hunter/Gatherer, Mountain Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin Overlord, Goblin Leader, Goblin Overlord, Goblin Seer, Goblin Water Bearer, Ulsian Goblin, Half-fiend Mage, Half-fiend Warrior, Kobold Labourer, Gnoll Bodyguard, Grubling Leader, Kobold Officer, Kobold Tribal Leader, Bandit Chieftain, Gnoll Leader, Gnollish Patrol Master, Goblin Clan Elder, Goblin War Chief, Goblin Monarch, Hawkman Leader, Hobgoblin Clan Elder, Hobgoblin Clan Leader, Hobgoblin Monarch, Hobgoblin Sergeant, Hobgoblin Sub-Chief, Hobgoblin War Chief, Sergeant, Orcish Captain, Orc Chief, Orcish Leader, Orcish Sub-Leader, Orcish War Chief, Outlaw Chief, Thieves Guild Master, Trollish Chief, Trollish Sergeant, Trollish Sub-Leader.
- Added new Attendant Monster Variants (only brought into play if a specific unique monster is in play): Kadar’s Minions, Gimset’s Servant, Gimset’s Horror.
Minor Improvements:
- Added mention in query of Race and Class in the Character Tab that these factors also determine what Perks you receive.
- Clarified in query of Strength in the Character Tab that bonus strength damage can only be achieved in melee combat.
- Giant Flies may also now create Giant Maggots out of Rotting Animal Carcasses.
- Giant Maggots may also now feed on Rotting Animal Carcasses.
- Giant Maggots are now immune to Stench.
- Enemy Necromancers can now also create undead from Rotting Animal Carcasses.
- Animate Dead spell will now only work on the corpses of Persons or Goblinoids, to get rid of the incongruity of raising humanoid Skeletons or Zombies from non-humanoid corpses. However, it will also now work on Adventurer’s Corpses (and still works on dead NPCs, who are considered Persons).
- When querying monsters, you can now see the monster’s level (listed as LVL: just below the monster’s image).
- Added the “red circle and line” image overlaid atop the spell image to multiple spell castings where the casting fails.
- Changed consequence for trying to dig bare handed and failing from taking 1 damage to falling asleep for 10 to 30 turns, because the former just always felt off to me.
- In query of any kind of Web, it now makes clear the odds for a monster to escape. In Spider Filled Webs it also makes clear that Monsters also have a 10% chance of becoming Mildly Poisoned.
- Pools will now scroll “No Effect” instead of effects that don’t apply if it tries to apply an effect but can’t for some reason.
- When using a Vortex or Vortex Orb, unless your Text Prompts are set to Expert, you’ll now receive a message telling you where it sent you.
- There is now a queryable notation in the Events tab telling you how many turns you’ve spent on this map, so you can better gauge how close you are to receiving the Warning.
- Clarified in query of Flask of Acid that the damage it causes is Acid based.
- If a monster resists having its Defense lowered directly by a Flask of Acid, you will now be informed of this, both textually and with a scrolling “Resist” notice. Additionally, if a monster resists having its Defense lowered directly by an Acid Jet spell, it will now scroll “Resist”.
- Monsters can no longer cast Absorb Life Energy or Drain Life at you if you’re a Lich, since those spells aren’t supposed to work against Undead.
- Confused Monsters will now behave more like the Character does when Confused, and not worry about the risks of entering a given square.
- During Character Creation, querying the “Religion not Recommended” pop up will now give detailed reasons why your chosen Class or Race might conflict with your chosen Religion.
- An Earthquake event will now wake you if you are sleeping.
- When Reorganizing Inventory, potions of a specific type will now all be grouped together if identified or partial identified, followed by all unidentified potions, followed by all identified Befouled potions.
- When Reorganizing Inventory, scrolls of a specific type will now all be grouped together if identified, followed by all identified Cursed Scrolls, followed by all unidentified Scrolls/Cursed Scrolls.
- When Reorganizing Inventory, Trinkets will be grouped by size and type.
- When Reorganizing Inventory, Magic Items will be grouped by type (as well as by Power, as previous).
- Skill lists will now include, in red, “(Max: Basic)”, next to any Skill a character can’t learn beyond the Basic level because his/her class prohibits it.
- If a Mine Track is ever disrupted by a new terrain type replacing a square, and a Mine Cart runs into that square, the Mine Cart will now be displayed as a queryable Broken Mine Cart. Additionally, no new Mine Carts will be sent out once this has happened, and the sound effect for the Mine Cart will no longer keep playing, and any queries of the Mine Track will mention that no new Mine Carts will be coming.
- Up and Down arrows at side of Inventory list will only appear now if there’s somewhere to scroll to.
- If something Scatters an Item you have equipped, the game will now play the “unequip noise” as an audible clue.
- Thieves, Bandits and other monsters that can steal Gold/Silver/Gems from the dungeon floor can now also target and steal them from within Chasms.
- Updated Silenced Gong graphic to make it more obvious once it’s been used.
- Added textual explanation to output of Traps that have a chance of being avoided.
- Shades are now designated as Spirits, and can manifest whenever a random Spirit appears.
- If the chosen form of an Undead to rise when you disturb an Adventurer’s Corpse is a Spirit, the corpse graphic will no longer disappear.
- Standardized the text output of drinking Hot Tamaran Coffee, Hot Vorduvian Tea and smoking Murkerian Pipeweed.
- Successfully using a weapon of Betrayal/Backbiting/Backstabbing to inflict extra damage will now scroll the phrase, “Sneak Attack!”
- Made Magic Sensitive/Magic Seeking/Magic Finding jewellery 40% more effective, since they felt underpowered.
- Removed the “Level Up” noise that was sometimes following the “Good noise” when you gained Attribute points without leveling up, to reserve that sound effect for the true level up moments.
- It is now possible to query any Lair title, Legendary Land title or Mine title displayed on the Character Tab when you occupy such a map, to get details about the map you inhabit.
- When being informed that you’ve triggered a Cave-in but Mining Skill protects you, you no longer have to wait for the sound effect to stop before moving, as that could get annoying.
- When a Bucket is filled with water, it can now be used 3 times before being emptied instead of once, to make the item more useful. Partially filled Buckets can also be refilled to 3 when standing next to water, instead of needing to be emptied completely first.
- Added ambient Gas Hiss noise that plays in proximity to Steam Vents and Poison Gas Vents.
- Added ambient rumble that plays in proximity to Smoky Fissures.
- Querying a Bridge or Rope Bridge over water which is also the location of any kind of boat will now provide the boat’s information rather than the bridge’s. (This is because while occupying such a square, you actually occupy the boat, not the bridge).
- Removed the phrase, “Hobgoblin Chosen is immune to Spells” from query of Hobgoblin Chosen, since it already shows they have 100% Magic Resistance, and if that Resistance was lowered they would no longer be immune to Spells.
- Did the same for Trollish Chosen.
- Removed similar references to immunities to Cold and/or Toxins from Northern Hobgoblin and North Wastes Warlord for the same reasons.
- Added new sound effect for when Gold is stolen or you are forced to lose some in any way.
- Added new dice rolling sound effect currently used exclusively during character generation, any time you choose to randomize anything.
- Further broke down Archaelogical Digsite themed areas to allow them to exist as they were (a partially excavated area that previously contained graves and buried treasure), or allow them to be exclusively partially excavated graveyards, or partially excavated buried treasure sites, or allow them to be unspoiled areas where a lot of treasure has been buried (filled just with Buried Objects, and no visible sign of a dig).
- Added a new Did You Know tip.
- Added playing of “No Noise” when you try to use an Inquisitor’s Crozier with no target.
- Paladin perk, Laying of Hands, has been made more effective. Instead of allowing 1/2/3 castings of Light Healing, it now allows only 1 casting of Light/Grievous/Critical Healing. This should keep it relevant throughout the game.
- Updated a few base queries in some of the Tabs to offer more clarity.
- Renamed Necromancy skill to Necrology skill, to avoid confusion with the Necromancy spell type, and because of the evil connotations of the word Necromancy despite the fact that the skill is possessed by potentially non-evil characters (like all Elves and Missionaries).
- Reworked spacing in queries of all Skills and Skill Tabs, to standardize and make it less erratic in appearance. Did the same for some spells.
- Updated many Skill queries, to further clarify function and limitations.
- Changed Kadar from a Legendary Cave Giant to a Legendary Frost Giant for lore purposes.
- Added Faith Drain ability to Endtime Warriors.
- Clarified in both query and text output that digging up a grave is only considered an Evil Act if you’re successful.
- Self Awareness skill, and all other Perks/Objects/Spells/Miracles that provide similar effects, now not only provide the specified chance to avoid Attribute drain, but also, if they should fail to prevent the effect, lower the amount drained by the corresponding percentage. This was done to make the skill more useful.
- Willpower skill, and all other Perks/Objects/Spells/Miracles that provide similar effects, now not only provide the specified chance to avoid Spell Point or Experience drain, but also, if they should fail to prevent the effect, lower the amount drained by the corresponding percentage. This was done to make the skill more useful.
- Lowered spell cost of Wall of Ice spell from 15 Spell Points to 10 Spell Points, to make it more useful.
- Pearl of Power will now play the “good” noise each time it activates, instead of being silent.
- Changed colour of Toll Sign because it was hard to distinquish against a bridge over water/ice.
- Fixed error making Toll Bridges non-functional.
- Made Toll Bridges 10X as common, because this is the first time I’ve encountered one in the literally thousand+ games I’ve played since they were added.
- Toll Bridges are now treated like other dangerous squares, in that you can’t accidentally auto-walk through them.
- In addition to its old function of increasing bonus Strength damage by 25/50/75%, Violence skill now also increases the likelihood of doing bonus Strength damage by 25/50/75%, to make it more useful.
- Added “(Gas)” or “(Gas) (Inhalant)” to the query of generators of such squares (like Rotting Animal Carcass, or Poison Gas Vent) since these squares also act as such.
- Added new sound effect and scrolling of “Held Breath” if you’re in an inhalant Gas square and luckily don’t get affected by the gas.
- Added calculation of potential fall damage to query of Rope Ladder.
- Non-flying Monsters can now choose to step on Pit Traps or Known Pit Traps, whereas before they would flatly refuse. They’ll still be unlikely to, though more powerful monsters will be more likely, and monsters who are resistant to the contents of a pit trap (e.g. those resistant to Acid deciding whether or not to enter an Acid Pit Trap square) will be more likely.
- Non-flying Monsters who do enter a Pit Trap or Known Pit Trap square will attempt to leap across, possibly giving a visual and audible clue to the observant about the existence of a Pit Trap that the monster knows about and the player doesn’t. Those who fail their leap will trigger the Pit Trap with the usual results.
- Changed the date of Red Man Welcome from the 30th of Soil Break to the 15th of Red Man’s Rule because lore-wise it made no sense.
- Changed Sacorvax from a Legendary Witch to a Witch Hero, and Gimset from a Witch Hero to a Legendary Witch, since she now comes into play with attendants.
- Added Mirrors to the list of Fixtures of which History skill can help you avoid the negative effects, to make the skill more valuable.
- When History activates it will now give you a choice to allow the negative effect to proceed, if you so wish, as there are instances where the negative effect might be perceived as beneficial (for instance you might want to fight an Ooze in a Pool, or you might want an Archway to teleport you randomly).
- Glyph of Death and Glyph of Greed Warding now both deal Magic damage (instead of a nebulous damage that had no corresponding resistance).
- Irretrievable Weapons in Stone are now visually distinct from Weapons in Stone.
- Made Booby Traps and Paper Traps 75% less common in Chasms, because their proportion to Booby Traps and Paper Traps outside of Chasms was way off.
- Provided your Text Prompts are Intermediate or Basic, there will now be a textual explanation of what happened accompanying your use of a Rope of Climbing.
- The standard “break” noise will now play whenever a Breathing Mask ceases to function, a Fishing Line snaps, or a Pheasant Trap, Goat Trap, Rabbit Snare or Deer Trap stop functioning. Even if the sound doesn’t perfectly mirror the sound that would occur in reality, it serves as a useful audio cue to what has happened.
- A Breathing Mask which reaches 0% Condition will now be removed from your Inventory, since it cannot be repaired.
- Changed Dire Wolf Den texture from gray cinder block to craggy, gray rock, because it’s supposed to be a cave. There will also no longer be doors inside a Dire Wolf Den.
- Added some pre-calculations to the queries of any squares that can make you fall asleep, stating the odds (because Half-Elves and Elves can have an innate resistance to falling asleep), and, in one case, the duration you’ll be asleep for (since one Legendary Armour can lessen the time you sleep). Really need to add a lot more pre-calculations based on various perks though.
- Psychic Fear spell has been made a Mid Power spell instead of Low, because it was overpowered, and this also gives the Scare spell more validity. Its casting cost remains unchanged.
- Horn of Fehrat was made a Mid Power Magic Item because it casts Psychic Fear, which is now Mid Powered.
- Hornan Clerics now start with the Scare spell and Electric Touch spell instead of Psychic Fear.
- Warlords now start with the Scare spell and Invisible Hammer spell instead of Psychic Fear.
- Raised Faith gain for Pantosians when using any Prayer or Praying at any Shrine or Altar from 8 to 20, to make Pantos easier to worship.
- Monsters can now choose to try to hack their way through Bramble, just like you.
- Monsters who can walk through walls (like Ghosts) can now also walk through Bramble, Secret Doors and Heavy Doors without problem, and will not open any Doors or Curtains they enter.
- Monsters can now choose to try to break down locked doors, just like you.
- Updated Malban’s Hammer, Reaper’s Battleaxe, and all weapons of the Grave Digger/Grave Robber/Necromancer to only function when you kill a Person or Goblinoid, because of the recent changes to the Animate Dead spell.
- On the Map Screen, Locked Doors of any kind will now be marked with an “L”, Jammed Doors will be marked with a “J” and Barricaded Doors will be marked with a “B”.
- Changed Hornan miracle “Punish Weakling” from only being effective against monsters of Experience value 30 or less to instead only be effective against monsters of Level 3 or less. This should make it a slightly more useful miracle.
- Changed Inscribe Ward spell from an Enchantment to a Geomancy, because it makes sense, and it (slightly) helps balance the spell types.
- An appropriate sound effect will now accompany the Tweaked Dweomer event when it changes an enchantment, instead of just being silent.
- If you worship Pantos, querying your religion will now also tell you, in red, at the bottom, whether or not you’ve already prayed on this map.
- Monsters can now choose to try to mine their way through Fractured Walls, possibly causing a cave-in on themselves and damaging them. (They’ll usually be more prudent than that, though).
- Made Blue Lady Welcome occur 44 days earlier in the calendar for lore purposes.
- Examining a Tapestry will now play the curtain sound effect.
- Moved Peace Day to much earlier in the year, and Asteria Day to much later in the year, because the previous reschedulings of Red Man Welcome and Blue Lady Welcome either overwrote those holidays or clustered too many holidays close together.
- Changed healing text output of eating Man Flesh from “restores X points of damage” to “restores X points of Health” for clarity.
- Standardized text output of drinking several different alcohols.
- Modified text output and query of Sacred Rites event to read “each time you kill a monster on this map you will gain up to 6 Faith”, instead of “you will gain 6 Faith”, because that Faith gain is, of course, modified by your divine relationships.
- Characters with the Mushroom Identification perk recognizing Redstain Fungus in a Mushroom Patch will now be given the option of encountering it, rather than just automatically avoiding it.
- Trying to pick up items you’ve previously dropped in any kind of water square (except Pools) now requires you to dive, taking standard drowning damage.
- Objects, Paper Objects, Gold, Silver, Gems, Chests, Booby Traps and Paper Traps can now be spawned in Mud, just like in Chasms.
- Added clarification to text output any time you gain immunity to Poison that it doesn’t remove any Poison you already have.
- Extinguished Cooking Fires will now be visible on the mini-map (in case you have the Kindle spell, or some other means of re-igniting them).
- Unlit Fireplaces will now be graphically distinguished from lit Fireplaces on the mini-map.
- Confounding Robe now announces what it has done in its first line of text output, so there’s a little less frisson between just seeing “Confounding Robe!” and then the effect.
- Reworded queries of Devotion/Spirituality enchantments on armour, to more clearly express their actual function.
- Successfully praying at Viean Shrines, or Tsen-Tsun Vie appearing, happy, will no longer scroll the word “Restore” if you have no diseases to cure.
- Updated query of Confusion spell to point out that the confusion it causes is permanent.
- Angering Fibere will now play the “bad noise” as it just seemed a little too quiet.
- The text output results of shattering Clay Urns will now provide a little more context as to why you found what you found.
- The text output from interacting with Ordinary Mirrors will now label them as such.
- Changed Racial Deficiency #1 for Dog Men from “Can’t learn Expert Mage Skills” to “Can’t eat Fruits/Nuts/Vegetables”, as part of my ongoing quest to diversify the playing experience of each race/class. Dog Men can now make perfectly decent mages, but they’re carnivorous.
- Changed Racial Deficiency #1 for Half-Orcs from “Can’t learn Expert Mage Skills” to “Prices, buying or selling, are 25% worse”, as part of my ongoing quest to diversify the playing experience of each race/class. Half-Orcs can now make perfectly decent mages, but they’re uncharismatic AF.
- Cave-ins caused by Earthquakes will now output with the text “Earthquake!” instead of “Cave-in!”. Also, dying in a Cave-in resulting from an Earthquake will now record your death as “Killed in an Earthquake” rather than “Buried in a Cave-In”.
- A Lightning Strike event will now wake you if you’re asleep (provided you survive).
- Tavern Tales event will now scroll the phrase “Tavern Tales”, instead of “Clairvoyance”.
- When drinking any kind of Unknown Potion, the graphic accompanying the output text for the effects should now be the graphic for the type of Potion you drank, rather than the generic Unknown Potion graphic.
- Changed text output of Year End event for lore purposes.
- When killed by a Pendulum Blade, the high score page will now record the type of Pendulum Blade that did you in.
- Added new sound effect that plays when you’re walking on water with a Water Walking effect.
- Breastplates, Shields and Helmets, as well as their Improvised varieties, are now placed individually on the map, instead of as general “armour pieces”. Effectively, this will make each type of armour (Breastplate/Shield/Helmet) 3 times as common as they were before, to help ensure a player has a full complement. This was done because I’ve been finding that late game characters, especially, are in too much danger if their Defense rating gets too low, and missing armour pieces is often the culprit. Hopefully this makes things a little easier for players.
- While uncommon, it is now possible to encounter rivers of Mud.
- When an Event is brought into play at the start of a new map, and that Event affects one specific type of monsters, the game will now ensure at least one level appropriate monster of that type is spawned on the map.
- Thief’s Demise Traps and Poor Man’s Fate Traps now deal Magic damage instead of Physical damage, to make Magic resistance slightly more useful (and for thematic reasons).
- Increased the experience value of every monster by 15% to increase the spread in value from lower to higher level monsters, to match the increased difficulty since we recently made monsters more powerful, and make the late game a little more forgiving.
- Added clarification to weapons of Weakening/Waning/Impairment, and to Gourajh Fang, that the enchantment can’t lower an enemy’s max damage below 1.
- Clarified in query of Flesh of My Enemies miracle, and in the failure text output of both Flesh of My Enemies and Defile, that these miracles require the corpse of a monster to function. (So, they won’t work on Adventurer’s Corpses).
- Queries of Believer’s/Cultist’s/Zealot’s jewellery will now specify that kills give you “up to” the designated Faith amount, since that number is, as always, modified by your divine relationships.
- Updated the “Not Recommended” list to include Gnomish characters wishing to worship evil gods, since the Langkley’s Creation perk encourages prayer (though, admittedly rare) at Langkleyan Shrines, which would anger evil gods.
- Spell casting monsters will no longer cast Counterspell if the character they’re fighting (you or another monster) has 0 Spell Points.
- The Elven Pilgrims event will now play the Spell Restore sound effect instead of being silent.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed text overwrite and misaligned text in query of Strength in the Character Tab.
- Fixed incorrect notation of the keyboard shortcut to access the Stats screen when querying the Stats button.
- Fixed error labeling the 30th of any month as the 0th of that month.
- Fixed pluralization error when using Partial Recharge on a Wand/Staff/Rod, (“You recharge 1 charges!”).
- Fixed typo in text output of unsuccessfully trying to set a Steam Burst Trap (“You’ve triggered a Steam Burfst Trap!”).
- Fixed errors preventing you from actually setting a Smoke Trap or a Steam Burst Trap.
- Fixed error when querying any squares that can collapse under weight (Rope Bridges, Ice, etc.) that was providing an incorrect calculation for determining if a monster stepping on that square would break it.
- Fixed errors sometimes causing a blank graphic to come up with the text output of using a Cursed Hellgate Scroll (rather than the image for the scroll).
- Fixed error treating everyone as if they had the Swamp Life 1 Perk, (even those who had it at a higher level), giving everyone a 5% chance to shed disease on entering a new level.
- Fixed further issues with the second line of text in a text output being written in an unusally small font.
- Fixed error when, if you tried to cast Agility but already and an Agility effect in play of greater duration, you would be told it had no effect because of your current “Brawn” effect.
- Fixed error fading in wrong image for sprung traps in Chasms (and possibly some other places).
- Fixed error where using a Blink effect to exit a Chasm could still have you fall back in.
- Fixed serious error causing Blank Spell Books of all types to overwrite any Mundane Items of sub-type Tool whenever you Reorganized your Inventory.
- Fixed error outputting and scrolling “Mirror of Location” instead of “Murkerian Pipeweed” when you smoke Murkerian Pipeweed.
- Fixed very rare error that could screw up scrolling text if you were supposed to contract Lycanthropy from a Septic Pool, but didn’t because you already had it.
- Fixed occasional appending of gibberish to the text output at Forges and Mithril Forges.
- Fixed errors where, if you entered a Lair by means of a Vortex or Vortex Orb, cosmetically, the floors and walls might not be appropriate to the Lair.
- Fixed error allowing 10% of all Weapon Racks spawned in Training Rooms to start out Jammed.
- Fixed error where using an Elevator would display the word “Elevator!” but not inform you of what it had done.
- Fixed serious error causing Flesh of My Enemies Miracle to cost 0 Faith Points when cast.
- Fixed error where, if you entered a Spell Draining Arch and recognized it for what it was because of History skill, you weren’t being properly informed that you had done so (though the effects would still be avoided).
- Fixed error labelling the 21st day of any month as the 21th day of the month.
- Fixed errors that could occasionally have unforeseen consequences upon entering a Legendary Land, because certain pre-setup steps were being skipped.
- Fixed error causing monsters to move too infrequently while player is under the effects of Haste.
- Fixed error still scrolling “Auto-hit” when you’re in combat against a monster that you can automatically hit, but your Combat State is such that you’re not swinging. Also fixed it for when you’re Nauseous, Electrified or the enemy has Distance Strike.
- Fixed errors not accurately reflecting any Spider Climb effect when querying any form of open Pit or Chasm.
- Fixed some issues with how and when information was being displayed in the Situation Panel to report the effects of a monster having cast Sonic Boom at you.
- Fixed minor spacing error in query of Demonic Essence.
- Fixed rare error with Festering Hives that had about an 8% chance of producing unforeseen consequences each time it tried to summon a random Insectoid.
- Fixed errors sometimes referencing the Control Undead spell as a Command Undead spell when you cast it and it fails.
- Fixed error announcing that a monster had had its Defense lowered by 10 when you hit it with a Flask of Acid, even if that monster avoided that effect because of Acid Resistance.
- Fixed error allowing everyone, even if they lacked the ability, to automatically resist becoming Monster Attractant every time they ate Honeycomb.
- Fixed error where monsters casting Stone Fling at other monsters were doing 3 to 6 damage with it instead of 1 to 3.
- Fixed error outputting outdated odds of winning when querying Wheel of Fortune.
- Fixed pluralization error when dealing with Wandering Smiths. (“Have Smith repair Galea for 1 Gold Pieces?”)
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Known Cave-Ins.
- Fixed error not counting a Summoning Trap Kit as a Trap Kit when queried (so not affixing its sub-type label, and giving it the wrong accompanying icon).
- Fixed error playing the Load Game gong at full volume, regardless of your volume settings.
- Fixed multiple errors playing “No Noise” at full volume, regardless of your volume settings.
- Fixed multiple errors playing “Unequip Noise” at full volume, regardless of your volume settings, when you drop an equipped weapon or armour.
- Fixed major errors where Melgrim’s Teleporting Trunk and Yorick’s Dimension Hopping Trunk were always showing up empty.
- Fixed error with Call Yorick’s Trunk miracle where it could mess up the details of previously dropped items on the level.
- Fixed text overwrite with new font in Character Creation of the deficiency disallowing a Character from learning Advanced Magic Item Use.
- Fixed error with Foxfire event that could allow it to erase even parts of your map that you currently have line of sight to.
- Fixed severe text overwrite errors in query of Smoke Imp and Steam Imp.
- Fixed error stopping auto-walk after a single square’s movement if an Insomnia event is in play.
- Fixed typo in query of Mythical Spell Book.
- Fixed errors allowing Wandering Smiths to repair Weapons that have an explicit deficiency of being unable to be repaired (like Stone Weapons, for example).
- Fixed serious error where using a Gain prayer would not destroy it and POSSIBLY using the Gain miracle would cost no Faith Points.
- Fixed text overwrite in Situation Panel output re. riding Gnomish Bore.
- Fixed spacing error in query of Signs of an Infestation II.
- Fixed errors making Heavy Doors, Rusted Doors and Stone Doors 3X harder to open than they should have been while you were auto-walking.
- Fixed error not scrolling “Sonic Boom” when a monster casts Sonic Boom.
- Fixed error allowing your Blinding jewellery to Blind a monster, even if you’d just killed it.
- Fixed error allowing you activate a Recharge Station, then walk away, without leaving the Recharge Screen.
- Fixed error outputting in Situation Panel the wrong amount of Faith gained when you visit a Submerged Memorial.
- Fixed error where, if you tried to change to a powerful new Spell Book Type that was beyond your Magic Item Use skill to use, the book would still be destroyed.
- Fixed errors where the activation of Haloes could sometimes display the wrong graphic.
- Fixed errors in combat informing you you’d caught or resisted a given disease, even if you already had that disease.
- Fixed error allowing you to activate Perks while Electrified.
- Fixed error ensuring the ringing of Bells always resulted in an NPC being summoned.
- Fixed serious error causing one frame of all male Human Adventurer subclassed character icons to be replaced by a glowing question mark.
- Fixed typo when you find a Withering Trap Kit (telling you you’d found a “Withering Trap Trap Kit”).
- Fixed error not visibly moving Gnomish Bore with you if you slide from Grease while riding it.
- Fixed errors that could slightly garble output text if you were bitten by spiders in a Spider Filled Web.
- Fixed error not automatically applying Grease effects to any monster in your square when you trigger a Grease Trap.
- Fixed error mislabeling Dual Crashing Wall Traps as Slamming Wall Traps.
- Fixed errors not always halving final score if you die with a Bottle Imp in your possession.
- Fixed errors not actually making golems Immune to Stench.
- Fixed text overwrite when prompted to see if you wanted to use an Unpredictable Machine.
- Fixed text overwrite when prompted to see if you wanted to douse a Holy Brazier.
- Fixed errors which could, in certain Lairs or unique areas, overwrite Walls with Foliage but not remove the former cosmetic variant of the wall, creating, for instance, Standing Torches that could barely be seen behind the Foliage and which had no effect.
- Fixed error causing Hand of Glory to Paralyze any enemy you fought, 100% of the time, whether they hit you or not (instead of 30% of the time if they hit you).
- Fixed error treating Hand of Glory’s Paralyzation ability as if it were a cast spell.
- Fixed error with intro text, checking to see if you wanted to enter Cloudpeak, suggesting it was a Roc lair, when, in fact, it’s a Mountain Giant lair. Revamped the Lair contents to be more appropriate to Mountain Giants.
- Fixed error only adding extra Gold to 58 out of the current 261 Lair types (when it should be all of them).
- Fixed error dedicating areas in Warrior Lairs to Banquet Halls and Treasure Chambers instead of Armouries and Smithies.
- Fixed error giving Shambler Lairs too many Rotting Animal Carcasses, and giving none to Morlock Lairs, which should have some.
- Fixed typo in intro text inviting you to enter Blasted Rock.
- Fixed errors adding Crystal Rooms and Gold Mines to Haunt Lairs, and not placing them in Ant Men Lairs, where they should be.
- Fixed errors adding extra Spell Books to Pit Fiend Lairs, and not placing them in Dodo Lairs, where they should be.
- Fixed errors mixing up the contents of Giant Cockroach Lairs, Giant Turtle Lairs, Foul Presence Lairs and Mountain Beast Lairs.
- Fixed error adding what should have been the contents of a Cultist Lair to Almas Lairs instead.
- Fixed error adding what should have been the contents of a Giant Snail Lair to Stun Jelly Lairs instead.
- Fixed error not increasing the likelihood of rivers in Giant Snail Lairs.
- Fixed error not adding Straw Bedding to Barghest Lairs.
- Fixed error putting the Gems that were meant for a Megacerops Lair into any Necromancer’s Lair instead.
- Fixed error filling Wereboar Lairs with Armouries and Smithies instead of Banquet Halls and Treasure Chambers.
- Fixed error not making Maero Lairs forested.
- Fixed typo in intro text inviting you into Keyroar Prison.
- Fixed typo in intro text inviting you into The Foul Grotto.
- Fixed error allowing Steam to set you on fire.
- Fixed errors causing Monsters on a Smoky Fissure or in Permasmoke to take double the effects from Smoke Inhalation.
- Fixed errors causing Monsters in Steam to instead be treated as though they were in Smoke, and those on a Steam Vent to have no effect applied.
- Fixed error not recognizing your character as having specifically “teleported” when you used a Pilgrim’s Token which could have had unforeseen consequences in rare instances.
- Fixed minor spacing error in display of Spell Book Type.
- Fixed errors causing Smugglers brought into play via the Smuggling Ring event to be able to purchase 1 less item than normal.
- Fixed errors with Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice and Wall of Stone spells, allowing them to form walls on monster occupied squares.
- Fixed text overwrite when prompted to see if you wanted to drink from an unidentified Liquor Barrel.
- Fixed error with prompt to pick up Silver printing “Contains between 1 and 5 X Dung. Level Gold” twice.
- Fixed error with Detect Treasure spell and Nose for Gold perk that wasn’t actually placing Silver when it was supposed to.
- Fixed rare error where eating Brain Enhancing Mushrooms could sometimes result in you gaining slightly more Spell Points than your maximum allowable.
- Fixed error scrolling wrong text if you use a Shaman’s Mask to cast Critical Healing.
- Fixed absent sub-type in query of Cooking Pot.
- Fixed typo in query of Gambling Skill (“an 71% chance”).
- Fixed error not immediately applying effects of being in Steam when you trigger a Steam Burst Trap.
- Fixed error where reading a Sparks scroll without a target would still destroy the scroll, even if you had Basic Runic Lore.
- Fixed text formatting error in text output when you killed a monster with a Sparks spell.
- Fixed major error causing the Powerfully Built perk to have, literally, no effect.
- Fixed 36 separate errors where monsters brought into play under unusual circumstances were defaulting to a minimum damage rating of 1 instead of their appropriate minimum damage.
- Fixed errors causing sound of resurrecting Phoenixes and Coffin Dwellers to play at full volume regardless of distance from you.
- Fixed error playing wrong sound effect when you successfully pray at an Albonian Shrine.
- Fixed error in query of Shoxian Shrine causing it to print your odds of success twice (so if you had a 50% chance of success, it would tell you you had a 5050% chance).
- Fixed error not printing bottom line of text in text output when prompting to see if you want to use a Pentagram.
- Fixed error not always displaying all monsters on the Map screen after you’ve died.
- Fixed error which, when constructing long bridges over Ice to the East during map generation, could put on the wrong visual orientation of bridge.
- Fixed error causing Befouled Sleeping Draughts to give faulty and missing information when queried.
- Fixed ANOTHER error making it possible to shed a disease on entering a new map even if you had no viable means of doing so.
- Fixed error not allowing Gust of Wind spells or Bag of Winds to disperse Mist. (Also labeled Mist as a “(Gas)” when queried).
- Fixed typo in query of Stairs. (“and will dump, you”).
- Fixed error not printing the pre-calculated results of eating cooked Man Flesh in red when querying.
- Fixed typo in query of Smoke Trap Kit (“Friendly Trap Trap”).
- Fixed error outputting in Situation Panel the incorrect amount of Faith gained when drinking Sacramental Wine (though the scrolling amount was accurate).
- Fixed errors giving Pookas, Berserkers and Bugbear Berserkers Attack and Defense values based off old stats (so lower than they should be).
- Fixed errors not giving Champion/Hero/Legendary Pookas or Berserkers the bonuses to Attack or Defense they should have.
- Fixed error causing Crystallize miracle to use 50 Spell Points as well as Faith Points.
- Fixed error allowing you to still achieve Distance Strike even if you are prevented from attacking by something like a Ring/Amulet of Ponderous Mass/Overwhelming Heft/Ridiculous Weight.
- Fixed error with queries of both Drawbridges over Chasms and Toll Bridges over Chasms, where the text was misplaced and overwriting other text.
- Fixed newly introduced error no longer replacing the fog of war when you enter a Legendary Land.
- Fixed text output error in drinking of Potion of Pyrophilia (“for 30 more turns! the next 30 turns”). (It was also displaying a potion that was subtly the wrong shade along with this text).
- Fixed typo (“Pyrophiilia”) in text output when you put into play a Pyrophilia effect that has no effect because your current Pyrophilia effect is longer in duration than the new one.
- Fixed errors with the calculation of sell value of Potions of Levitation and Potions of Invisibility, making both sell for 10 gold pieces, regardless of whether they’ve been identified or not.
- Fixed error allowing an Acidic Potion to destroy itself as one of its chosen items to melt, even after you’ve drank it, by making the potion disappear before the effects take place.
- Fixed errors not dousing Candles, Candelabras, Torches or Lanterns, or cooling Hot Tamaran Coffee or Hot Vorduvian Tea if any of the above were dropped as a result of your Inventory size suddenly shrinking.
- Fixed error cutting off textual explanation of the effects of being Frozen when you Freeze.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Dark Dwarf Stone Mason.
- Fixed typo in query of Staff of Levitation.
- Fixed multiple errors causing Vegan Diet perk to never grant bonus Faith Points when it was supposed to from eating any fruit/nut/vegetable.
- Fixed text spacing error in the query of multiple identified Cursed Scrolls.
- Fixed other errors with queries of Cursed Scrolls that may or may not have tipped off the observant to the fact that they were Cursed.
- Fixed errors not always counting kills in Sacrificial Pits or on Sacrificial Blocks as an Evil Act.
- Fixed rare error with Extinction event that could claim that only the Distance Striking variant of a given monster type had been rendered extinct, (though the whole species had been).
- Fixed errors not taking into account a monster’s toxin resistance if another monster tried to inflict a disease upon it.
- Fixed errors allowing the notification of a monster causing Redstain Fugue or Insanity to a monster that already had that condition.
- Fixed error allowing a Mire spell which generates quicksand to affect a Flying monster if that monster is in the square when it’s generated.
- Fixed very minor error scrolling “Gust of Wind” in green text instead of purple when you cast it.
- Fixed multiple errors not allowing the Claws perk to function properly if you were unarmed but had a Shield equipped.
- Fixed error causing problems with a Glove of Violence if you were unarmed but had a Shield equipped.
- Fixed error causing use of the Defensive Sigil perk to affect some divine attitudes, when it shouldn’t.
- Fixed error in monster A.I. considering Fire Resistance instead of Physical Resistance when weighing the pros and cons of entering a Scattered Caltrops square.
- Fixed a minor error when you find an Enfeebling weapon (saying, “You find a Enfeebling...” instead of “an Enfeebling...”)
- Fixed error allowing Fragilitas in monsters to state that their damage range had dropped to 0 to 0, when in fact, it can’t drop below 1 to 1 as a result of Fragilitas.
- Fixed error not adding punctuation (an exclamation point) to the end of the output sentence accompanying the Tweaked Dweomer event.
- Fixed error not checking to see if you would be newly hurt by your square if your Flying ability runs out while you’re hovering above a dangerous square, but did so selectively: if it runs out while over a pit you are assumed to either settle to the bottom of the pit gently, or to grapple the edge, such that you still have to climb out but aren’t harmed.
- Fixed errors calling both Staff of Fiends and Rod of Major Fiends a Wand of Minor Fiends when you query them.
- Fixed error with Acid Jet spell, telling you that a monster had resisted having its Defense lowered by the acid, when in fact, its Defense hadn’t lowered simply because its Defense was already 0.
- Fixed error not printing your calculated odds of drifting/drowning/how much damage you’ll take from drowning in query of Submerged Cave Entrance.
- Fixed error allowing Flying to prevent your drowning, even if you deliberately dive underwater.
- Fixed errors allowing you to man a raft, row boat or dragon boat while flying.
- Fixed text partially writing off bottom of screen with some particularly verbose Legendary Land invitation descriptors.
- Fixed massive new error crashing the game when a player tries to enter a Legendary Land.
- Fixed typo “weakend” in text output after drinking Rum.
- Fixed errors scrolling things like “Restored” or “Healing” after eating Mushrooms, if those Mushrooms didn’t have the indicated effect because you didn’t need it. (It will now scroll “No Effect” in such circumstances).
- Fixed several errors that could occasionally screw up where a monster ended up if it was supposed to go back to the square it came from (because it couldn’t enter the square it was trying to).
- Fixed errors that could alter structure of Chasms if you trigged a Booby Trap while inside one and that trap altered the map in some way. (Those types of Traps will no longer appear in Chasms, or anywhere else where things shouldn’t be altered).
- Fixed outdated text output from Freeze Trap claiming it immobilizes you, when it now Freezes you.
- Fixed error where Rapids could drift monsters back onto shore.
- Fixed errors with text output of ringing a Brass Gong A) saying you’d rung a Bell and B) not immediately telling you whether the summoned monster was Charmed or not.
- Fixed error not making Weapons pulled from stones Legendary.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of known Grog Barrel.
- Fixed errors messing up automaton movement if a Psychic Fear spell is in effect.
- Fixed error ensuring Frozen monsters never move, instead of moving 50% of the time, like they should.
- Fixed error not providing any text output if a scattering effect comes into play but nothing actually scatters because some perk or other factor prevented it.
- Fixed minor errors with Control Undead spell allowing monsters to resist the magic and reporting this to you, even if they shouldn’t have been able to be affected by the spell in the first place, and that’s what should have been reported to you.
- Fixed error not dropping monsters through newly formed Holes if you trigger a Crumbling Floor Trap that happens to create a Hole beneath a monster.
- Fixed errors preventing Chilly/Frosty/Icy weapons from ever having their magical effect.
- Fixed typo in query of Bridge over Lava (“Lava can generate Smoke adjacently..”).
- Fixed error causing the “confused” effects monsters can experience when hallucinating to last 1 turn less than they should.
- Fixed error not destroying mine cart, even if it becomes buried in rubble. Additionally, if you were riding a mine cart when it got buried in rubble, you would still be considered to be riding it, and entering that rubble pile could have you struck by the mine cart, even though it was now immobile, beneath the rubble. All fixed.
- Fixed error still making Trolls demand a toll for their Toll Bridge, even if you were passing beneath the bridge, in a boat.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Lastaviark’s Blessing side screen title.
- Fixed errors in queries of events that block a given spell type from functioning, which would return the wrong spell type.
- Fixed extra bit of gibberish text output after resolving the effects of a Bottomless Pit Trap.
- Fixed error allowing you to see through a Barred Door, even if that Barred Door was concealed.
- Fixed major error crashing game if a Vortex or Vortex Orb tried to send you to a Legendary Land.
- Fixed error outputting wrong graphic with text if you enter a Vortex.
- Fixed error that could make it seem you were being influenced by a Swarming Bats event each time you were moved because of Confusion or Insanity, provided there had been a Swarming Bats event earlier in the game.
- Fixed rare error that could sometimes allow Vestonis to gift you a Weapon with less than 2 enchantments.
- Fixed error allowing Wither spell to lower a monster’s Intelligence from Animal to Automaton (when it should lower it from Animal to Sub-Animal).
- Fixed error using graphic of a standard Mid Power Scroll instead of a Fire Shield Scroll, if you’ve found/are querying a Fire Shield Scroll and your Runic Lore skill is Advanced.
- Fixed pluralization error in listing days til next holiday in the Events tab, (“such and such a holiday in 1 days!”)
- Fixed errors outputting query of Dwarven Cave Tribe in the wrong font (and thus overwriting the edge of the screen), as well as putting the second line of text in the wrong position.
- Fixed critical (albeit temporary) error allowing Reincarnation to bring you back as a class that hasn’t yet been reintegrated into the game.
- Fixed critical error not taking into account elemental resources and some other damage mitigation factors during the second swing of a monster’s attack on you.
- Fixed text order mix up in output of Grease Trap results (“You have a 75% chance of sliding in a random direction for 72 the next turns!” (instead of “the next 72 turns!”)).
- Fixed typo in event text when Lastaviark Appears, referring to him as “God the Calling” instead of “God of the Calling”.
- Fixed critical error causing Natural Enchanter perk not to work at all.
- Fixed critical error causing Raise Dead perk to function as though it were level 1, regardless of what level the perk was actually at.
- Fixed error where a spell casting monster might choose to cast Air Shield in combat vs. another monster just because you had Distance Strike (even if the monster they were fighting didn’t).
- Fixed error where a spell casting monster might choose to cast Magic Purge in combat vs. another monster just because you had Spell Points above zero (even if the monster they were fighting didn’t).
- Fixed errors where a Pearl of Power wouldn’t reward you for finalizing the casting of a Repair spell, an Enchant Armament spell or a Transmute to Gems spell.
- Fixed error in query of Doppelgangers, if they had a Strength Bonus because you weren’t using a missile weapon, and their max damage was greater than 9, that could output their damage type symbol overtop their Speed attribute.
- Fixed errors with Control Undead spell and Command Undead perk which could falsely report there was no target in your square repeatedly before finally taking effect.
- Fixed errors with Command Undead perk not making it take a turn to use the perk.
- Fixed error giving Lich player characters a 50% chance to remove spell casting ability from opposing monsters after each round of combat, instead of a 50% chance each time they hit.
- Fixed error not removing fear status from a monster if you charm it. (Now it will do so as soon as they start their next turn).
- Fixed errors playing Scroll Merchant greeting too loudly when you meet one, and allowing them to say their greeting even while they’re in the midst of saying something else.
- Fixed error potentially burning you twice if you use Gnomish Explosives and they start a fire in your square.
- Fixed error not rewarding you Experience for monsters who are killed by fires that you create with Gnomish Explosives.
- Fixed errors with Demon Gem, Disintegration Sphere, Thorn Twine, Flask of Acid, Szakkan Juice and Inquisitor’s Crozier, allowing you to use them against dead monsters.
- Fixed several errors (probably not all) allowing you to use certain items against Charmed or Summoned monsters.
- Fixed typo calling a Double Headed Axe a “Doubleheaded Axe” when you find one.
- Fixed errors allowing Grease or Ice to slide you into Stalagmites or Cave Columns (usually killing you, outright).
- Fixed error which could occur on entry to a Legendary Land, where if a Skill or Perk kicked in that generated an item for you, but that item was too large to fit in your inventory, it would be dropped as it should be, but would then immediately disappear.
- Fixed error (I think) outputting wrong monster image when a Titan pounds you to the next Dungeon Level.
- Fixed errors outputting “Control Undead!” instead of “Command Undead!” when you use the Command Undead perk.
- Fixed error blinking the “No target” text explanation too quickly if you tried to use Command Undead on something that couldn’t be commanded.
- Fixed error displaying Xaskazien’s Health in red, even if his Max Health was what it should be.
- Fixed error allowing Bean Nighe event to generate on a level without water, which could cause a bunch of different problems.
- Fixed error allowing monsters to take a final turn after Xaskazien dies.
Get Caverns of Xaskazien II
Caverns of Xaskazien II
A graphics intensive roguelike. Explore the caves, kill the demon, save one small pocket of the multiverse.
Status | Released |
Author | Virtua Sinner |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | dungeon, Dungeon Crawler, Fantasy, Procedural Generation, Roguelike |
Languages | English |
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