COX 2 Ver. 1.47.37 released!

It's time for the tri-monthly update to Caverns!  And this one's a very, very big one.  All details are below, but there is tons of new content,  there's been some serious rebalancing of things that were feeling out of whack, and there are buckets of bug fixes...  Please enjoy, and as always, please let me know your thoughts and report any suspected bugs you find!

If you're new to the game and want a fun way to learn to play, over the last three days, as I did a final playtest to prepare for this release, I did a playthrough which you can watch here: 

Alright!  Here's the fruits of my last three months labour:

Major Improvements

- 1 New Playable Race: Seraph.

- 7 New Perks: Pure, Child of Feighmorias, Purify with Flame, Unfurled Wings, Celestial Glory, Blinding Radiance, Personal Halo.

- 30 New Monsters: Hyter Sprite, Scuttler, Wereleech, Graveclasper, Camptosaurus, Psykophage Stalker, Stymphalides, Mud Elemental, Jotunn, Necrofiend, Bombardier Beetle, Mage of Everlan, Haunted Armour, Iguanodon, Insatiable Rock Eater, Black Bear, Thorn Elemental, Forest Giant, Chaneque, Earthquake Beetle, Talltiowardan Knight, Gjenganger, Cave Dragon, Baloraasinian Centaur, Short Faced Bear, Demonic Bat, Cave Kalau, Gytrash, Mothman, Messenger of Corruption.

- 7 New Map Tiles: Ominous Standing Stones, Altar of Dark Desire, Swarm of Rats, Sacrificial Stone, Dragon Eggs, Dinosaur Eggs, Stone Circle.

- 11 New Spells: Rockfall (monsters can cast, too), Bubbles (monsters can cast, too), Slow Poison (monsters can cast too), Weaken Poison (monsters can cast too), Eradicate Poison (monsters can cast too), Enthrall Wyrm, Detect Pit Traps, Magic Bolt (monsters can cast, too), Magic Blast (monsters can cast, too), Magic Bomb (monsters can cast, too), Cleanse Potion.

- 6 New Potions: Potion of Rage, Potion of Wrath, Minor Curative Potion, Major Curative Potion, Phoenix Potion, Potion of Shadow Walking.

- 56 New Magic Items: Infinite Spell Book, Codex of Divine Wonders, Nautilus Mask, Solarium Globe, Enthralling Mask, X-ray Goggles, Eldritch Clay Statuette, Eldritch Stone Statuette, Eldritch Marble Statuette, Lens of Rune Clarity, Bubble Horn, Horn of Collapse, Stone of Stationary Purpose, Jewel of Glittering Wealth, Dragon Blood, Pantosian Book of Whispered Secrets, Scrying Mirror, Brooch of Adaptive Breathing, Globe of Swirling Flame, Canvas of Realization, Fateshard, Crystethian Puzzle Box, Golden Astrolabe, Blackened Astrolabe, Horn of Calling, Psionic Forehead Jewel, Spellstone, Thimble of Greed, Everywhere Shard, Warding Portrait, Crystethian Seal, Book of Dark Pacts, Dreadhorn, Trapbreaker Charm, Might Totem, Swift Totem, Wisdom Totem, Health Totem, Dragon Crown, Eye of the Elder Dragon, Moral Compass, Spirit Weave, Soul Guide Lantern, Igneous Cloak, Demon Stone, Dragon Stone, King Stone, Book of the Dead, Glove of Expertise, Magic Lockpicks, Cracked Portal Stone, Brevalian Witch’s Hat, Goat Skull Headdress, Spirit Oil, Attunement Case, Jack-o’-lantern.

- New Mundane Items: Weighted Dice, Valourous Banner, Tarot Cards, Indulgence, Nurtured Dragon Egg, Nurtured Dinosaur Egg.

- New Events: Rumours of Buried Treasure, Flame Rift, Revelation, Shadow Bazaar, Temple Desecrated, Water Levels Rise, Lava Surge, Widening Rift, Acid Surge, Dance of the Dead, Monied Monsters, Arcane Stockpile, Eldritch Repository, Rotworms, Scent of Prey.

- New Jewellery Enchantments: of the Wyvern/of the Drake/of the Dragon, of Tossing/of Throwing/of Hurling, Electric/Shocking/Lightning, of the Pugilist/of Powerful Punches/of Pummelling.

- New Armour Enchantments: of Missile Diversion/of Missile Redirection/of Missile Deflection, of Relocation/of Transposition/of Blinking.

- New Weapon Enchantments: of Firming/of Flexing/of Strengthening, of Fine-Tuning/of Reflex Enhancement/of Optimization, of Insight/of Enlightenment/of Cognition, of Invigoration/of Fortifying/of Toughening.

- New Monster Variants: Chill Wraith, Doom Wraith, Snatching Imp, Dragon Matriarch, Ancient Dragon, Zombified Dragon, Efreet Raider, Snow Goblin, Goblin Marauder, Vampire Countess, Vampire Bride, Skeleton King, Dark Minotaur, Blighted Wyvern, Copper Wyvern, Crypt Wyvern, Wrathful Wyvern, Carrion Wyvern, Fire Spitting Wyvern, Zombified Knight, Wrathful Knight, Chaos Knight, Dread Knight, Wrathful Witch, Wrathful Warrior, Ravaging Warrior, Ebony Warrior, Northern Warrior, Alpha Wolf, Tundra Wolf, Profane Ghoul, Wild Dog Pack Leader, Rabid Wild Dog, Scavenging Ooze, Zombie Horror, Ice Worm, Giant Fire Ant, Grasping Ghost, Ash Phoenix, Zombified Jackal, Rampaging Werewolf, Master Lich, Armoured Troll, Death Moth, Rift Lord Warlock, Orcish Blood Master, Northlands Berserker, Chaos Mage, War Mage, Nethermancer, Armoured Fiend, War Dog Tracker, Carcass Feeding Giant Rat, Zombified Fungusman, Walking Giant Goat Carcass, Shambling Priest Carcass, Hellish Ghast, Snake Man Lord, Death Hag, Nether Mindworker, Plains Mercenary, Shade Guardian, Pit Fiend Overlord, Dread Drake.

- Manual updated.


Minor Improvements

- If you’ve activated a process that now requires you to select an Inventory item, the game will no longer prompt to see if you want to pick up anything discarded in your square before proceeding with allowing you to select the Inventory item. This was not only confusing before, but could also lead to errors of various natures.

- While in any spell mode where you need to highlight a square to do something (Teleport, Wall of Fire, Web, etc.), the path to get to that square will no longer trace, since clicking that square will activate the spell effect, not move you along a path.

- Magic Figurines can no longer be used in occupied squares, to keep them consistent with other summoning methods.

- Some monsters who had the cosmetic effect of causing flickering coloured lighting around them were not actually lighting their square - i.e. you couldn’t see them in the darkness or the distance, despite the fact they were giving off light. In some cases this was conscious choice on my part, in others an oversight, but I’ve decided to override it regardless, so the following monsters that emit light, will now act as proper light sources, as well: Energon, Lightning Elemental, Flaming Teeth, Fire Elemental, Phoenix, Flame Horror, Black Flame Fiend.

- All monsters who act as light sources will now also light the squares around them (some used to light only their own square).

- Events will now interrupt Auto-waits.

- You’ll no longer have to wait for the full sound effect to play to get the outcome of an Alluman Ritual, as it just took too long.

- Missile variant Rock Fiends have been renamed from “Rock Hurling Fiend” to “Rock Hurling Rock Fiend” so as not to confuse them for the missile variant of the standard Fiend.

- There can now be up to 20 simultaneous Events in play, in addition to the current Holiday, instead of only 10.

- Using a Firehorn when there’s no monster in your square will no longer make the Firehorn inactive.

- Jackalope Foot had its item type changed from (Device) to (Body Part) because... well, it’s a foot.

- Hellkites are now considered to be of sub-type Dragon.

- Fire Drakes and Golden Drakes are now considered to be of sub-type Dragon.

- Cleaned up the formatting of text output during a query of Elderberry Wine.

- The word “Ride” will now be displayed when you are driving a Gnomish Bore, to help remember if you’re just in the same square or driving it. It won’t be added while you’re in a boat, since you’re automatically controlling the boat while you occupy its square.

- The game will now play the Groaning Spirit noise when a Groaning Spirit groans during an encounter with you.

- Swarming Bats and Biting Insects events will no affect you if you’re inside a Wall (via Wallpass) because there would be no logical way they could reach you there.

- Hitting with a Long Oar will now make a sound appropriate to a blunt weapon hitting instead of a sharp, metallic one.

- Reworked Ceratosaurus graphics to make them look better.

- When using the Purity miracle or the Take Precautions perk, the game will now also explain in its text output that not only can you not become Poisoned for the duration, but you also won’t take Poison damage.

- To help combat text overwrites of the screen edge in the High Score screen, when assembling your “death phrase”, the game will no longer include minor details like “while weakened” or “while trapped in a web” if you occupied a Lair or Legendary Land at the time of death.

- Fleeing monster spellcasters may occasionally now cast Blink to get away.

- While under the effects of a Wallpass spell, entering a mineable wall will no longer have you try to mine it, but just have you pass through it, like any other wall.

- The text of Gruveld’s Tunnel Hat has been updated from “+50% chance to detect Pits” to “+50% chance to detect Pit Traps”, since there’s now a clear distinction drawn between those two things.

- Examining a Coat of Arms, even if you fail to recognize it, will now make the same sound as examining a Tapestry, because it just felt too dead to have it accompanied by silence.

- If an NPC dies and you worship Feighmorias, since your Faith will lower and you’ll be informed of this, it will now also scroll “NPC Killed” so you’ll be clear as to why you’re losing Faith.

- Clarified in query of Waterfall that the damage you take from it is Drowning damage.

- Since it is now possible to cleanse Befouled potions, if your Alchemy skill is sufficient to identify a Potion as Befouled, upon finding it and in the inventory/dropped item list, such Potions will no longer be identified merely as “Befouled Potion”, but rather by their specific type (e.g. “Befouled Tiny Health Potion” or “Befouled Strength Potion”).

- Booby Traps spawned in a Chasm that are supposed to be Booby Pit Traps will instead now be converted to Spear Traps to ensure we don’t mess up the Chasm with a new terrain type.

- Island Traps spawned in Chasms, which were formerly converted to Slide Traps, and Crumbling Floor Traps spawned in Chasms, which were formerly converted to Spike Bottomed Slide Traps, (both to preserve the terrain of the Chasm), will now instead be converted to some form of Spear Trap, to ensure there’s no problem in the unlikely event of either of these circumstances occurring on Dungeon Level 30.

- With the Child of Tsen-Tsun Vie level 1 perk, querying a Viean Shrine will now remind you that you have 2 chances of success if you pray there.

- Locked or Jammed Desks will now show up on the mini-map with the appropriate “L” or “J”.

- Monsters and NPCs who can neither fly nor swim well will now avoid Ice when wandering, as a safety measure.

- If engulfed by insects from a monster casting Summon Insects at you, or by a Bugman or Wild Corpse hitting you, the text output will now also include a line explaining what being engulfed means.

- The Character Creation screen now has the various aspects of Character you can change underlined, to help keep things clear, and some of the fonts have been changed to keep things consistent.

- Spells in the Low/Mid/High Power spell list will now also be listed in gray (rather than black) if you can’t cast the spell because your Spell Use skill is too low.

- Querying a spell in a spell list which has a casting cost different from the base cost will now display the actual cost, in brackets, beside the base cost.

- When querying a spell in a spell list, it will output text in red for any aspect of the spell that would prevent you from casting it (the spell’s tier/the actual casting cost/the intelligence required). This will not only be more informative at a glance, but standardizes the output with the way Weapons/Armour/Magic Jewellery/Magic Items are displayed when queried.

- Monsters can now contract Sleeping Sickness.

- Rewrote Half-orc blurb on the Character Creation screen to highlight their difficulties with merchants rather than their old deficiency of being unable to cast High Power spells which is no longer a thing.

- When resurrected (or reincarnated) by any means, you’ll now get a much more detailed explanation as to why, in case you had multiple means of doing so.

- When querying Racial abilities as a Dryad during gameplay, the text that tells you whether or not you’ve already resurrected will now be written in red, to draw attention, and will now also specify “through Dryad ability”, in case you HAVE been resurrected, just not via this ability.

- Rotting Corpses and Rotting Looted Corpses will now appear on the Map screen with a permanent Stench Cloud indicator in their square (in addition to the appropriate symbol for a looted/unlooted body).

- Consecrated Graves will now appear on the mini-map as grayed out Xs instead of solid Xs, to differentiate them from standard, intact Graves.

- Querying an Unpredictable Machine will now list not just the potential effects, but also the names of the types of machines that cause those effects.



- Satchels, Small Sacks, Large Sacks and Backpacks have all been made easier to find than previous. I’m sure players will enjoy the extra Inventory slots, and logically, they should be quite common in a dungeon environ.

- The frequency of found armour pieces has been reduced to 84% of that previous, as, since the addition of Gloves, Legwear and Footwear, characters often have so much armour that even the toughest enemies have only a 10% chance to hit. That should be the case for the luckiest players, but not every player. Hopefully this will help balance that out, and also make Improvised Armour pieces of greater value again.

- Prayers found should now be more level appropriate, to ensure you don’t find anything massively overpowered too early in the game.

- Because of the additions to the ranks of sub-type Dragon, anti-dragon enchanted weapons have had their to hit bonuses vs. Dragons lowered by 19% and their damage vs. Dragons lowered by 19%.

- Magic Figurine has been changed to a Mid Power Magic Item instead of a Low Power one, because that’s where it belongs. Its base value has also been raised from 25 Gold Pieces to 50 Gold Pieces.

- The Orb of Knowledge has been buffed, since it was already extremely rare and ridiculously expensive, and also because it otherwise would have had a similar effect to the new Scrying Mirror. The Orb of Knowledge now reveals the whole map, complete in every detail, regardless of Cartography skill, as soon as you enter a new map.

- The Wall Pass Spell and Earth Passage Keystone effects have been nerfed again - instead of having a 31 turn effect, they now have an 11 turn effect. This was done because the spell simply remained too overpowered.

- The Stonemeld miracle has been nerfed from providing a 61 turn effect to a 21 turn effect for the same reasons as above.

- Aspect of Badger has been nerfed from providing a 61 turn effect to a 21 turn effect for the same reasons as above.

- The Locate Exits spell has been buffed to now be a Cantrip and only cost 5 Spell Points instead of 7, because it was hard to justify using a spell slot on.

- The Repulsion spell has been buffed to now just be a Cantrip, and its casting cost has been lowered from 10 Spell Points to 5, to make it more worthwhile.

- The Hellgate miracle has been lowered in cost from 80 Faith Points to 70 Faith Points, to better reflect its usefulness and keep it in line with the costs of the various Summon Fiend spells.

- Portents of Death will no longer affect Xaskazien, as, even though the means to cast the spell is rare, if you had it, it was just too cheap a means of victory.

- The spells Control Undead, Control Diabolic, Charm Person and Charm Insectoid have all been buffed from having a 50% chance of success to having a 75% chance of success to make them competitive as Mid Power spells.

- The perks Command Undead, Speak with Insect and Personal Retinue have likewise been buffed from a 50% chance of success to 75%, to keep them in line with the spells they emulate.

- The cost of the Speak with Animal miracle has been raised from 15 Faith Points to 40 Faith Points to keep it in line with similar spells.

- Speak with Animals has been debuffed from a 90% chance of success to a 75% chance of success to keep it in line with similar spells.

- The perks Recruit Goblinoid, Animal Friends, Demonic Control, Befriend Giant and Sea Alliance have all been buffed from having a 10%/20%/30% chance of instantly charming appropriate monster types on first encounter to a 15%/30%/45% chance instead, to keep these perks competitive with the other improved charming perks.

- The Wooden Flute and Mandolin have been debuffed from a 50% chance of success to a 25% chance of success to keep them aligned in value with spells that have similar effects, taking into account these two items’ status as Mundane.

- The Dual Pronged Dagger now does 2 to 6 damage instead of 1 to 6, because otherwise it was no different from the standard Dagger, except being harder to wield as an Exotic Weapon.

- Dwarves no longer have the Deficiency of being unable to learn Rogue Skills to the Expert level, but have instead inherited the Centaur’s former Deficiency of being unable to go upward to earlier Dungeon Levels. This was done as part of the further effort to ensure all Deficiencies are unique, and because it thematically fits Dwarves, and because it was necessary to change the Centaur deficiency. This leaves Brownies as the only starting playable Race unable to learn Rogue Skills to the Expert level.

- Centaurs no longer have the Deficiency of being unable to ascend Dungeon Levels, but have instead inherited the Merfolk’s former Deficiency of being unable to equip Legwear of Footwear. This was done because the image of my Centaur wearing Woolen Trousers and Sandals was driving me crazy. (Legwear and Footwear didn’t exist in the game when the Centaur race was introduced).

- Merfolk no longer have the Deficiency of being unable to wear Legwear or Footwear, but instead have a new Deficiency in the form of Dehydration. Entering any form of Water or Pool square (or any square labelled Submersive) will immediately offset this problem, but failure to do so at least once per day will see one of their Primary Attributes (randomly chosen) drop by however many days it’s been since they last did so.

- The Gleam perk can now be used twice as often as before, but now only has a 50% chance of taking effect. This was done to differentiate it from the new Blinding Radiance perk.

- There have been numerous changes to the ways in which players can remove or lower Poison levels from their character. This includes new spells and potions which you’ll find in the Major Improvements part of these notes (and which cumulatively make it more common for players to have the means to address Poison), but also includes the following changes:

- Cure Poison has been changed from a Low Power spell that costs 25 Spell Points to a Mid Power spell that costs 50 Spell Points - this was done to make a better gradation of spells that can mitigate Poison.

- The Purify miracle has likewise been changed from costing 35 Faith Points to 50 Faith Points, and it now only lowers Poison level by 1 to 4, instead of removing it completely and automatically.

- All character Classes that formerly began with the Cure Poison spell now begin instead with the new Weaken Poison spell.

- The Poultice perk will now lower your level of Poison by 1 level instead of 1 to 4 levels.

- Jewelweed has a 50% chance of causing its former effect (lowering Poison by 1 level) but a 50% chance of causing 60 turns of Slow Poison instead. This was done to ensure the mundane item wasn’t more powerful than the new Minor Curative Potion.

- Eating a Gourd no longer has a 50% chance of removing all traces of Poison from you, but instead a 50% chance to remove 1 to 4 levels of Poison from you. A few tweaks were also made to keep its text output in line with that of other items.

- Using Antivenom will no longer cure you completely of Poison, but remove 1 to 4 levels of Poison from you. A few tweaks were also made to keep its text output in line with that of other items, and to make sure the Cure sound doesn’t play if you use it when you’re not poisoned.

- Curative Potions now require Advanced Alchemy to identify and their cost has been adjusted. Additionally, they no longer remove all Poison from you but instead remove 1 to 4 levels of Poison from you.


Bug Fixes

- Fixed error that was still letting you perforate on Cave Columns if you had entered a Stalagmite square while Flying, and from there deliberately tried to enter a Cave Column.

- Fixed (as far as I can tell) the final loopholes in a bug that I’d thought I’d fixed in the last update, where if a player activated a Recharge Station, said yes they want to recharge something, then deliberately clicked on a different Side Screen button, the game would no longer let you interact with any square you entered unless you first quit and reloaded.

- Fixed major error caused by the fact that the game only loads sounds as needed now, causing the game to freeze if you cast the Lust miracle.

- Fixed serious bug when a Cursed Scroll of Gales removed your Gloves and/or Legwear and/or Footwear, that would perpetually pop up messages telling you they were now too heavy for you, and totally mess up your Defense until such time as you could re-equip items of the same type.

- Fixed error allowing Magic Mead Pitcher to be used as often as you like, instead of once per map as it’s supposed to be.

- Fixed bug that could sometimes mess up the game when you used a Book of Summoning.

- Fixed error when interacting with standard Beanstalks outputting text that implied you were interacting with a Thin Beanstalk.

- Fixed bug labelling Wand of Exit Location with a gibberish name.

- Fixed several errors not properly labelling or, when queried, expressing the true powers of mid power or high power Weapons that provide bonuses vs. 1 specific type of enemy.

- Fixed error with Spell Drain Trap that would lower your Spell Points to zero, even if you had a Skill or Perk that should modify the amount drained.

- Fixed errors preventing Ice Witches, Malevian Witches, Talltiowardan Witches, Hornan Witches or Beckoning Witches from coming into play.

- Fixed errors with Weapons of the Graverobber and Weapons of the Necromancer, basing the likelihood of animating dead on the strength of the prefix enchantment on the weapon, not the suffix (and defaulting to a 10% chance in the absence of a prefix enchantment).

- Fixed errors preventing Cryptkeepers, Bookas and Kobold Labourers from seeking out or locking Arks.

- Fixed error that could sometimes allow unusual Potions to be found pre-identified.

- Fixed bug when Fivriaskus is angry, causing you to try to resist Max Health drain with your chance to resist Intelligence drain, instead.

- Fixed errors preventing Puddings from melting your Weapons.

- Fixed errors with Repair spell, internally claiming the spell had been successful even if it hadn’t been, causing all sorts of ramifications.

- Fixed error allowing you to continue to eat Mushrooms from a Mushroom Patch even if you’re Sated.

- Fixed errors with querying the first and second Class Deficiencies during Character Creation when the chosen Race is Half-Troll (either displaying nothing, or displaying incorrect info sometimes).

- Fixed error causing Blink Traps to not disappear when you trigger one in a Chasm or in Mud.

- Fixed error revealing Cave Ins when you find a Map and your Cartography skill is only Advanced. (Cave Ins aren’t supposed to be revealed unless you have Expert Cartography).

- Fixed error with Lastaviark’s Blessing that would grant the wrong enchantment to Improvised Weapons.

- Fixed errors with both Lastaviark’s Blessing and Hone Weapon that would have unpredictable results if used on any Exotic Weapon.

- Fixed errors when Greenworm Vine creates Bramble not explicitly determining the Bramble strength, leading to errors with monster AI that caused most monsters to hack their way through the Bramble, rather than going around, even when there was an easier path.

- Fixed same error for Bramble created when you anger Nailith while praying at His Shrine.

- Fixed bug in Starmarsh Tunnels where a Cauldron would have random effect and 20% of the time would be a gibberish Cauldron with no effect. Now it will always have a set effect. (I’ll leave it to players to find out what effect that is).

- Fixed bug causing Fauchard to have a Strength Requirement of 0 instead of 100, as it should.-

- Fixed error when you catch Lycanthropy via any source that causes a random disease, that wouldn’t allow you to catch the variant that would come from either a Wereboar or a Weredragon.

- Fixed errors messing up how many items a Cloud Dragon would scatter, and also reporting random reasons for the scatter.

- Fixed 3 separate errors making it possible for randomly generated female Half-Troll first names to start with an uncapitalized letter.

- Fixed bug causing Engimatic/Mystical/Arcane Weapons to not provide their bonuses to hit vs. Wyrms and Aberrations and for Wicked/Vile/Unholy Weapons to gain those bonuses in addition to their own.

- Fixed bugs when casting the Vestonian Gift miracle that, if it conjured you any Weapon or Armour, ensured that the object had both a prefix and suffix enchantment, when it should only have a standard chance of either.

- Fixed error causing Avaricious weapons to only gain you 20 Gold instead of 30 if you wielded it in your offhand.

- Fixed error when dousing Fires with a Bucket of Water that could sometimes interpret a mouse click as multiple clicks, and spend 2 or 3 turns dousing the Fire, when all you meant to spend was 1.

- Fixed error still forcing you to climb out of any Pit, even if you should have been hovering above it on your Flying Carpet.

- Fixed error where it wasn’t pre-loading the bat sound to play during instances of a Swarming Bats event, resulting in periodic blasts of static.

- MAYBE fixed error sometimes having Damning Prophecy event claim to lower your Experience, but then not do so.

- Fixed error not changing the text output for your Strength score to yellow while you’re under an Ogre Strength effect.

- Fixed error not roughening the edges of a Mosaic tile in a cavernous environment.

- Fixed error not roughening the edges of walls on a Barred Door in a cavernous environment.

- Fixed errors sometimes improperly roughening the edge of a wall that adjoined to another wall with certain types of terrain.

- Fixed bug causing Locate Exits spell to remove Submerged Cave Entrances from the map after detecting them.

- Fixed error preventing Open Locks spell from properly working on Manacled Prisoners about 12% of the time.

- Fixed error with Withering Trap that would claim you had resisted the effects even when you hadn’t.

- Fixed errors allowing monsters who should be blocked by Ice to enter Ice.

- Fixed minor error sometimes limiting how much Water Confined monsters would wander.

- Fixed error preventing Hand Cannon from making the gunshot noise when fired.

- Fixed errors that would prevent certain Bows from making the bow noise in the unlikely event that you managed to wield one in your off-hand.

- Fixed errors with Vestonian Shrines that, when successful, 5% of the time could preface the statement of what Vestonis had granted you with the name of a completely unrelated Legendary Weapon or Armour. This same error may also have led to Vestonis occasionally granting Legendary Weapons (when he shouldn’t).

- Fixed errors in both the text output when granting, and in the queries of, the Turn Evil perk, the Horrify perk and the Repel Cryptid perk, claiming the effects last for 120 turns when, in fact, they only last 60 turns.

- Fixed erroneous info in query of Repulsion Scroll and Repulsion Wand claiming the spell effect lasts for 30 turns when it, in fact, lasts for 60.

- Fixed four rare circumstances where Events in play that double or quadruple experience for killing certain types of monsters were looking at the wrong monster, possibly denying you bonus experience, or possibly granting it where it wasn’t warranted.

- Fixed bugs with Reaper’s Battleaxe, Malban’s Hammer, and all Weapons of the Grave Digger, of the Grave Robber and of the Necromancer that made them capable of animating corpses other than Persons or Goblinoids.

- Fixed bug where if you drank a Potion of Godlike Strength, it didn’t show the icon at edge of screen for the duration (or the preliminary bright swirl of light to draw your attention).

- Fixed bug causing dead Abyssal Spirits not to leave behind ectoplasm.

- Fixed bugs in both Flame Sword and Air Form... uncertain what the consequence of these errors would have been, in truth, though it had something to do with confusing whether or not you already had a longer Flame Sword/Air Form effect in play.

- Fixed error causing the pulsing icon for Poison Immunity to pulse the wrong “large” graphic.

- Fixed bugs with Cold Augmenters, Physical Augmenters, Poison Augmenters, Acid Augmenters and Magic Augmenters, causing them to keep playing their sound effect even after they’ve been deactivated.

- Fixed bug that could still make some squares appear brighter than others when you should be totally blind because you’re inside a wall.

- Fixed error labelling an unidentified Acid Bomb Scroll a “Mid Power Scroll” instead of a “High Power Scroll” when you first find it.

- Fixed bug treating Hose Down as both an offensive and defensive spell when determining which monsters can cast it against other monsters. (Which meant a few monsters were casting it at other monsters who shouldn’t have been able, and a few others were twice as likely to cast it at other monsters as they should have been).

- Fixed bug causing the pathfinding of both your character and monsters to treat Lightning Fields as a potential threat, even when they’re deactivated.

- Fixed bug still allowing Lightning Fields to treat a square as if it were lit for purposes of the player seeing it, even if the Lightning Field has been deactivated.

- Fixed bug causing monsters not to prioritize getting out of an active Lightning Field if they find themselves in one.

- Fixed bug with the new system that loads monsters only as needed, that could briefly flash up the loading screen sometimes while doing it.

- Fixed bug when a monster was fighting a Bloodlasher that, half the time, was basing the Bloodlasher’s acid splash damage off the amount of damage the Bloodlasher had done instead of the damage it had received.

- Fixed error that occurred half the time a Winter Wight was fighting another monster, granting it a 25% chance to Freeze the monster instead of the 10% chance it should have.

- Fixed outdated info in text output when you were Frozen in combat as a result of the special ability of a Winter Wight, a Snow Witch, an Ice Demon or a Frost Giant.

- Fixed potentially incorrect number of turns output for how long you would remain Frozen as a result of the special ability of a Winter Wight, a Snow Witch, an Ice Demon or a Frost Giant.

- Fixed error causing use of the Poultice perk to lower Oblari attitude and raise Sekolan attitude, even though it’s not an Aquamantic spell.

- Fixed bug that could very rarely assign a Vampire a variant type that didnt exist (this would have left it a standard Vampire, but with the green variant swirl beneath it).

- Fixed bugs preventing Rotting Revenants from causing White Rot when fighting other monsters.

- Fixed error allowing Summon Demon Perk to summon variants.

- Fixed errors making it doubly hard for some monsters to cause certain diseases to other monsters, half the time when fighting other monsters.

- Fixed error making it possible for Psychotic Dead to inflict insanity on itself rather than its opponent, half the time when fighting other monsters.

- Fixed error making it possible for Nosferatu to inflict a random disease on itself rather than its opponent, half the time when fighting other monsters.

- Fixed bug causing Caped Faceless Demons and Beelzeboars to sometimes be unable to uncharm monsters the way they’re supposed to.

- Fixed error that might not play the buzzing noise when a Wild Corpse or Bug Man first engulfs you in insects.

- Fixed errors not updating a monster’s Physical Resistance in its query when the monster was under the influence of a Grave Protection or Corpseform effect (though the effects were being applied properly elsewhere).

- Fixed bug causing a Frost Blast scroll to be used up when you cast it against nothing, even if the scroll was already identified (in which case it should warn you and not use the scroll).

- Fixed bugs preventing monsters from casting certain High Power offensive spells if the monster had exactly 1 Health point.

- Fixed bug not allowing Smoke or Acidic Vapour to generate next to any form of Bridge over Lava or Bridge over Acid. (Also ensured auto-walk won’t let you pass close enough to such a square as to get hurt, in case the gas does manifest).

- Fixed error that could cause Swamp Trolls to struggle exiting Mud if the player had previously entered it.

- Fixed bug messing up high score description of the player’s demise when the player is murdered by a Cowled Murderer.

- Fixed bug during Character Creation not properly highlighting the final Skill when you point at it, if your chosen class is Mage.

- Fixed oversight not mentioning that Duellists also start with a Broken Bottle, when querying their starting gear.

- Fixed mislabelled stonedragondeath.wav file (it was called “stronedragondeath.wav”) preventing it from loading and thus causing Stone Dragons to be silent when they die.

- Fixed errors outputting wrong graphics with text if you were resurrected by means of a Shield, Helmet, Footwear, Legwear or Gloves enchantment.

- Fixed bug textually labelling the level you’re on as “Allibor’s Tomb” when you’re supposed to be in “Stonemount”. (The level itself was still accurate, just mistitled).

- Fixed minor error flickering the yellow light a little brighter than it should have when a monster casts Stone Fling at you.

- Fixed errors not properly displaying the (Gem) portion of its Type: when querying a Gem of Locking or a Gem of True Seeing.

- Fixed error that likely had no consequence, not explicitly freeing the memory for the Demon Gem graphic when you quit the game (though all memory is ostensibly purged anyway).

- Fixed bug when you find a map in a bottle telling you that raising your Cartography skill can improve the details you get from “Clairvoyance” instead of from “maps.”

- Fixed bug not scrolling “Sentinel Seed” when you plant a Sentinel Seed.

- Fixed error not scrolling “Stone Fling” when a monster casts Stone Fling.

- Fixed errors scrolling “Dancing” in purple when a monster is dancing and NOT scrolling “Irresistible Dance” in purple when a monster casts Irresistible Dance.

- Fixed errors with Greedy/Covetous/Avaricious weapons, as well as Graverobber and the Blade of Inestimable Wealth that wouldn’t scroll the info about the gold you’d gained from a kill if the weapon was wielded in your offhand.

- Fixed error not scrolling “Cellar Sight” when a monster contracted Cellar Sight.

- Fixed bug causing potions you believe to be Potions of Diminution, but which are actually Befouled, to be a darker colour than unbefouled versions.

- Fixed bug putting up empty graphic box when a Prayer mysteriously rewrites itself.

- Fixed bug causing a blank graphic accompanying text output when you fail at a Golem Assembly Table and cause an explosion.

- Fixed bug accompanying text output with a blank graphic when an Ikiryo tries to drain your Attributes but you resist.

- Fixed error causing the graphic for Befouled Potions of Major Restoration to appear instead of the Unknown Potion version of the graphic, even if your Alchemy Skill was Basic.

- Fixed error putting up wrong graphic with text output if you cast a Desperation spell that should have killed you, but you were saved by Death Cheating.

- Fixed errors not displaying proper graphic with text output when using Thorn Twine.

- Fixed multiple rare errors still putting up the Unknown Potion graphic when you a query a Potion which you’ve already identified.

- Fixed error putting up wrong graphic with text output when you use a Deadly Scarab.

- Fixed error not properly loading the large Alternate Reality graphic when needed for the Event.

- Fixed error leaving image for the Clergy perk blank unless you’d encountered a Cleric since last booting up the game.

- Fixed error not noting the Uses Remaining on the current map for any Pour on the Charm perk when queried.

- Fixed error causing the icon for the Brawn buff to disappear almost immediately, even while a Brawn effect remains in play.

- Fixed error outputting wrong graphic if a Servitor would make you Monster Attractant, but you resist it.

- Fixed pluralization error when engulfed by insects for 1 turn from being hit by a Bugman or Wild Corpse (it was saying “1 turns!”)

- Fixed bug omitting a line of text when you query Man Flesh with the Eat It Raw perk.

- Fixed error not outputting correct text with the graphic when “The words do not fade from the scroll!”

- Fixed missing word in query of Disguise and Worn Disguise.

- Fixed error outputting “Imp teleports you!” when a Leshy teleports you.

- Fixed stange symbol appearing in prompt on whether you want to enter Pits of Gehenna.

- Fixed bug messing up text output when the player is murdered by a Cowled Murderer.

- Fixed text overwrite error in query of Potion of Diminution if you have Advanced Alchemy.

- Fixed text overwrite error for any form of Cave Harvestman unique.

- Fixed text overwrite in query of Dancing icon.

- Fixed text overwrite error in any kind of Giant Goat variant.

- Fixed text overwrite in text output when trying to repair anything via magical means.

- Fixed extra and useless text “usually contains” at the tail of query of the Cocoon Lair title.

- Fixed extra space in “Paper and Glue” spellcaster names.

- Fixed missing word in query of Honeycomb.

- Fixed a couple of typos in text output of Raelian Spy Network Event.

- Fixed typo in text output of Acid Blast spell.

- Fixed typo in query of Pearl of Wisdom.

- Fixed typo in text output of Dragon Worship event.

- Fixed typo in the loading screen tip about how to center the screen on your character.

- Fixed typo when you hallow a Sacred Bone (“You hallow a a +X Sacred Bone!”).

- Fixed typo in query of Devil Salt.

- Fixed typo in text output of a triggered Box of Wasps Trap.

- Fixed typo in query of Mad Web Caves Lair title (calling it “an” Tarantula Lair).


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