COX 2 Ver. 1.12.43 Released!
It's been around 8 months since the last update, guys, and there's a reason for that: this update is huge! Along with all the usual improvements - more content, quality of life improvements, bug fixes - there's one major change that should become apparent shortly after you dive back into the game: 99% of the graphics have been redone from scratch! For the most part I think this has resulted in a better looking game (though there are still some graphics I intend to revisit for the next release), though that wasn't the purpose. The purpose was to make sure that I could finally legitimately claim that everything in the game was 100% legally within my rights to use. Prior to this, the graphics leaned heavily on borrowed imagery. Sure, those graphics had been massively modified, shrunk down and animated to the point where they might have entered the realm of fair usage, but I was never comfortable with it. The graphics rework here represents many hundreds of hours of work, and I couldn't be more psyched to share it with you!
This has also enabled me to do something many of you have asked about before: allow donations to the project. Those hundreds of hours are just the tip of the iceberg, of course, since I've been working on this game a few hours a day for close to 30 years now. If you are enjoying it, and want to support the cause of another 30 years of development, please consider donating with your next download :)
If you are new to the game and want to see if it's for you, I've got a brand new 9 episode playthrough that explains everything clearly, releasing the same day as this update. You can check that out here:
Alright, enough of all that - let's get to the mighty, mighty patch notes!
Major Improvements:
- MASSIVE GRAPHICS OVERHAUL! 99% of the game's graphics have been redone from scratch.
- New Map Generation Technique: Free Rooms (creates maps akin to the inside of a keep. Be aware, this technique sometimes takes a little extra time to generate the map, so if you think your game froze during map generation, give it another 30 to 60 seconds - in extreme cases it can take that long).
- Re-instated Classes: Adventurer, Duellist, Soldier, Tribesman.
- New Perks: A Penny Saved, Always Learning, Keep the Lights On, Thorough, Build a Better Backpack, Listen to the Legends, Fated, Track the Wanted, Feint, Duck and Weave, Bounty Hunter, Freedom of Movement, Worthy Opponent, Twice as Deadly, Professional Standard, Overseas Campaigns, Comrades at Arms, Defensive Posture, Always Training, Extra Care, Spit Shine, Hearty, Guardian Ancestors, Strong Bones, Iron Gut, Everything’s a Bludgeon, Knock Out Blow, Bundled Up.
- New Skill: Unarmed Fighting.
- New Game Concept: Cantrips (Cantrips are Low Power Spells that do not require Spell Use skill and do not count toward your Known Spells count. Cantrip Scrolls can be automatically identified without any Runic Lore skill and Cantrip Wands can be used with a +25% chance of success).
- New Spells: Create Pit (Cantrip), Collapse Earth, Mind Games (monsters can cast too), Message From the Ether, Air Summons, Alter Fate, Armour Mastery, Brain Burn (monsters can cast too), Shatter Mind (monsters can cast too), Prescience, Weapon Mastery, Disguise Self, Demonic Assistants, Silver to Gold, Demonic Congress, Detect Evil (Cantrip), Summon Insects (monsters can cast, too), Deathbane, Dismiss Spirit, Conjure Spell Book, Water Breath, Blue Glow (Cantrip), Run (Cantrip), Intuition (Cantrip), Hose Down (Cantrip) (Monsters can cast, too), Instant Weapon (Cantrip), Speak With Dead (Cantrip), Protection From Evil, Teleport.
- New Map Tiles: Note, Lightning Field, Platinum, Platinum Veined Wall, Wandering Stairs.
- New Mundane Items: Kindling, Writ of Bounty, Heat Resistant Boots, Chemical Resistant Gloves.
- New Magic Items: Arcane Crystal, Mighty Belt, Lithe Armband, Energizing Headpiece.
- New Events: Tiny Spider, Ikiryo, Angel Sightings, Call to Arms, Concentrated Research, Graceful Save, Hessian Parade, False Rumours of Treasure, Heist of the Century, Whisperings of a Nameless Fear, Pyroclastic Flow, Flash Flood, Mud Slide, Cascading Sludge, Fault Line, Wasp Nest, Dragon Wisdom, Vorduvian Espionage, Raelian Spy Network, Structural Collapse, Reality Breakdown.
- New Weapon Enchantments: of Aura Disruption/of Spell Draining/of Spell Obliteration, Anti-Elemental/Primordial/Fundamental, Wicked/Vile/Unholy, of the Eagle/of the Pegasus/of the Griffon.
- New Jewellery Enchantments: Relaxing/Languid/Leisurely, of Development/of Betterment/of Advancement, Dwarven/Tunnel Runner’s/Deep Traveller’s.
- New Room Theme: Platinum Mine.
- New Mine Type: Platinum Mine.
- New Monster Variant: Revered Troll.
- Updated the game manual.
Minor Improvements:
- Added clarification to query of Wand of Water Walking that it will also allow you to enter Pools as though they were Empty Space.
- Maleviak also now favours the killing of Shackled enemies (up to +20 Faith), to make her a little easier to worship.
- Maleviak also now favours the killing of Water Confined enemies (up to +10 Faith), to make her a little easier to worship.
- Updated query of Warmth Prayer to be clear that Frozen status will only be removed from you if the prayer is successfully used (as opposed to simply when it is used).
- Where space permitted, updated queries of Mire, Raging Waters and Wall of Fire spells, and all associated Wands/Staves/Rods/Scrolls/Spell Books, to mention that you’ll receive Experience for any monsters killed by the squares created.
- Made 24 different Lairs use the new Free Rooms generation, and altered the query of their Lair titles to reflect this.
- Added new Ikiryo Event to the list of events that can trigger after the Linger Warning.
- Events that occur at a random time on a map can now occur any time between the first turn and the time you receive the Linger Warning (instead of any turn between the first turn and the 600th turn, as previous).
- Added new High Score titles.
- When you or a monster are engulfed in insects (only due to an Insect Plague miracle, previously, but now due to multiple factors), in addition to the appropriate icon, a visible cloud of moving bugs will be displayed around you or the monster.
- Stealing from a bee hive no longer leaves you at risk of taking 5% of your max Health in damage but instead being engulfed in an Insect Swarm for 1 to Dungeon Level *1.5 turns. (While engulfed you take 1 Poison damage per turn).
- Standardized text output of results of a Plague Event, so that it reads “Plague!” on the top line before informing you of the results on the 2nd line.
- Added reference to the newly named “Black Queen’s Madness” when you are driven Insane searching through a Garbage Heap, to provide viral/bacterial plausibility to that scenario.
- Standardized text of using a Mask of Madness to include the item’s title as the first line, and also made sure to use the Mask’s graphic in the text output instead of the graphic for a Confusion spell, as it had been doing.
- Cup of Tsen-Tsun Vie will no longer scroll “Restored” if you have no diseases when you use it.
- Renamed “Quick” Jewellery to “Quickening” Jewellery, “Speedy” Jewellery to “Accelerating” Jewellery and “Hasty” Jewellery to “Hastening” Jewellery since they quicken you and are, in of themselves, quite stationary.
- Skeletal Soldiers (such as arrive with the Skeletal Army Event), now include the statement “Has higher Def than other Skeletons.” in their query, to make their distinction crystal clear.
- When the Improvise Perk kicks in, the first line will always now be “Improvise!” to keep it clear it’s the Perk that’s providing you the Improvised Weapon or Armour. Also changed the base text in this case from “You have found” to “You scrounge up”.
- Added clarification to the text output when you try to equip a Medium or Heavy Weapon and your class is Mage, Warlock, Necromancer, Alchemist, Purifier, Survivor, Hivemaster or Bughunter that your class cannot equip such Weapons, short of through the use of magic.
- Added clarification to the queries of Archery, Bludgeoning, Chopping, Spearing, and Swordplay skills that they can only stand in for the equivalent level of Weapon Use skill if your Class is capable of attaining the equivalent level of Weapon Use skill.
- Cave Ins now cause Physical damage instead of a nebulous damage of no type.
- Uncapitalized the word “Level” where it was used in querying your Class during gameplay, as it was referring neither to your Character Level or the Dungeon Level, but extra levels of a given Skill.
- Duellists now start with an extra level of Assassination and an extra level of Dual Wielding, rather than 2 extra levels of Assassination, to better reflect their new Twice as Deadly Perk.
- Added "(Query your square for full details).” to text output of Bubble Trap, both to conform to the text output of similar traps like the Cage Trap and Shame Cage Trap, and because if you didn’t think to do so, you might not fully understand what’s happening.
- Changed all references to “your X spell has worn off” or “your X miracle has worn off” to instead read “your X effect has worn off” since there are now so many other ways to put those effects into play than just by using the spell or miracle in question.
- Changed all references to spell or miracle in query of temporary positive effects to likewise reference “effect”, instead of “spell”, for the same reason.
- Whenever a query of a temporary positive effect utilizes a graphic which is just a smaller version of another graphic, you will now see the larger version when querying.
- New Platinum square can also be placed in Mud or Chasms and all monsters that would steal treasure from the floor can now steal Platinum, too. Detect Treasure spell can detect Platinum. Events that previously affected Gold and Silver now also affect Platinum.
- Treasure Maps can now also reveal Silver as well as the new Platinum squares.
- Previously, if the Fool’s Gold event came into play when you had no gold, since it wouldn’t have any effect on the game, it didn’t even let you know the event had happened. This could lead to confusion, though, if you noticed the event in the events list. So now, if it happens and you have no gold, it will still pop up the info screen, and afterwards simply scroll “No Effect”, so you can revel in the bullet you dodged.
- Woolen Scarf now also provides +2 Defense, to give it some extra value.
- Added clarification in text output of a successful casting of a Blinding Flash spell as to what a monster being Blinded means.
- Added explanation of the damage a Stone Stomping Foot trap can do during its text output.
- Changed Web spell to be a Cantrip. Raised its spell cost from 1 Spell Point to 5 Spell Points.
- Monsters with randomized Attack and Defense values will no longer have those attributes flicker red or green as they go up and down. The range of possibility is already printed, and the chance to hit/be hit is already shifting with the randomization below in the query, so the colour shift was adding nothing and was just hard on the eyes.
- Kindle spell has been changed to a Cantrip.
- Changed Light Spell to a Mid Power spell, raised its Spell Cost and Intelligence requirement from 30 to 40 and extended its duration from 120 turns to 360 turns. This was done because with the addition of Blue Glow, we now had 3 separate low power spells that increased light range.
- Changed Gem of True Seeing from a Mid Power Magic Item to a High Power Magic Item, but increased its light duration from 120 turns to 360 and its ESP duration from 120 turns to 360. Its sale price was raised from 40 gold pieces to 55 gold pieces. This was done to adjust to the new Light Spell capabilities, and to spread it out from other Magic Items that can also create Light.
- Dorallan Clerics now start with the Cure Poison spell instead of the Light spell, since Light was made into a Mid Power spell.
- Fivriaskan Clerics now start with both Finger Candles and Create Pit instead of Light.
- Vestonian Clerics now start with both Detect Evil and Dismiss Spirit instead of Light.
- Explorers now start with Finger Candles and Create Mundane Item instead of Light.
- Mages now start with Finger Candles and Water Breathing instead of Light.
- Missionaries now start with Death Bane and Dismiss Spirit instead of Light.
- Researchers now start with Mind Games instead of Light.
- Added “Unaffected by Water” to query of Water Elemental, since it is clearly unaffected by the water squares it lays.
- Blinding Flash spell got its own unique graphic instead of just reusing the Blinding Light trap graphic.
- Examined Coats of Arms are now visually distinct from unexamined ones.
- The Lair square now has 4 frames of animation instead of just being static.
- Empty Liquor Barrels are now visually distinct from Liquor Barrels.
- Hallucination got its own graphic, distinct from that of the Mindwarp Trap.
- Infravision got its own graphic, distinct from that of the ESP spell.
- Redid animation going from Title Screen to Character Animation screen, A) because it needed to be done in the process of updating the graphics and B) because it was long overdue - the old one was created before Sex and Religion were added to the game, and when the default font was different meaning there were sudden obvious changes to the screen upon completion of the animation.
- Changed wording in Bottom Bar when using a Forge, Repair Spell or asking a Wandering Smith for help from “Left click an Item to try to repair it” to “Left click a Weapon or Armour to try to repair it” to keep it immediately clear that you can only work with those specific types of items.
- Reading Cursed Scrolls will now generally accompany the text output with the image of the curse, instead of a generic image of a scroll.
- Fire Elementals and Phoenixes now light 1 square around them, and flicker with orange light, the same as Wisps or Flaming Teeth.
- “GENERATING MAP...” will now be printed at the center of the view screen when going to a new randomly generated map, because occasionally generation can take a while, and I don’t want players panicking if the game pauses for 10 or 12 seconds.
- Snowshoes will still prevent you from breaking through Ice, but will no longer prevent you from sliding on ice because A) they were a little too powerful for a Mundane Item and B) snowshoes would be more likely to make you slip on ice, in real life.
- Sphinxes and Watchers now animate at normal speed - for some reason long ago they were lumped in with Zombies, Mummies and Ghosts to animate at half speed (Zombies and Mummies because they’re classically slow moving, Ghosts... well, I’m guessing I just liked the animation slowed down for whatever reason). Whatever my logic formerly was, it no longer looked good for Sphinxes or Watchers, so it’s been changed.
- Clarified in query of Melgrim’s Teleporting Trunk that its contents will only remain inside it for the duration of the current game.
- Ceremonial/Dress/Parade armour pieces have all been slightly buffed. Whereas they used to reduce EXP needed for the next level by 3%/6%/9%, they now reduce it by 4%/8%/12%. And Badrack’s Helmet which used to reduce the EXP need by 27% now reduces it by 36% instead. This was done to keep the power in line with the enchantments on other armour pieces.
- Updated text output accompanying casting of a Detect Secret Doors spell to remind you that while the spell lasts you’ll not only automatically detect any adjacent Secret/Concealed Doors and Secret Compartments, but also be able to open them without resorting to an Intelligence test.
- In every case I could find in game that a source of damage is non-Physical, whether to you or to a monster, in the text output it will note the type(s) of damage done.
- Reading a Cursed Scroll of Gales will now inflict Physical damage instead of a nebulous damage of no specific type.
- Replaced all references to “Fire damage” with “Heat damage” to standardize it. The same was done with all references to "Fire Resistance" which will now instead reference "Heat Resistance."
- Noted in query of Cloak of Camouflage, Slystep’s Shield, any armour of Camouflage/Concealment/Hiding and any jewellery of Blending/Chameleon Powers/Perfect Hiding that using a light source will negate the stealth effect provided.
- The Featherfall spell has had its duration increased by 50% because it was the same cost and duration as the Spider Climb spell, yet in most circumstances the Spider Climb effect would be preferable.
- The Angel’s Grace miracle had its duration increased by 50% because it’s a longer lasting version of Featherfall, so had to be increased to match.
- Low value Faith gains should more accurately reflect your relationship with the god(s) in question now, as it rounds off fractional results whereas before it would drop fractional excesses.
- Low level character Attribute drain should now be more accurate, as it rounds off fractional results whereas before it would drop fractional excesses.
- Low level Spell Point drain should now be more accurate, as it rounds off fractional results whereas before it would drop fractional excesses.
- Low level Experience drain should now be more accurate, as it rounds off fractional results whereas before it would drop fractional excesses.
- “Wandjinas” are now, in the singular, referred to as “Wandjina” because I was unaware that I was using the plural form of the mythological creature’s name before.
- Jewellery of Development/Betterment/Advancement all had their gains increased, so that they will now provide 0.1/0.2/0.3 Skill Points on level up. This was done to keep them in line with the bonuses on other Jewellery pieces.
- Bronze/Iron/Steel Jewellery had the Defense they provide increased by 50% to keep them in line with the bonuses on other Jewellery pieces.
- Polished/Refined/Honed Weapons had the To Hit bonus they provide increased by 50% to keep them in line with the bonuses on other Weapons. Orckiller also had its base (non-anti-Goblinoid) To Hit bonus increased by 50% for the same reason. Prime Axe also had its To Hit bonus increased by 50% for the same reason.
- Jewellery of Recall/of Memory/of Spell Storing have all had the number of extra spells they allow you to learn slightly more than doubled, to keep them in line with the bonuses on other Jewellery Pieces.
- Reading a Skill Tome will now explain in the text output just what benefits your new Skill grants you, so you don’t have to go out of your way to look it up.
- Learning a Skill from a Trainer will now do likewise.
- Mnemonic Enhancer now allows you to learn up to 7 new spells instead of 3, to keep it in line with the power of other Low Power Magic Items.
- Pendulum Blades may very rarely have Levers associated with them now. Pulling the Lever will toggle the Pendulum Blade between active and inactive status.
- Levers may now rarely be associated with Lightning Fields, too, to toggle their status back and forth.
- You will no longer be allowed to read Ancient Runes if you have no Scrolls or Cursed Scrolls in your inventory, since it could do you no good, and could possibly hurt you.
- Stone Coffers, Stone Sarcophagi and Weapons In Stone now have a hidden Strength rating associated with them between 3 and 300. When interacting with these squares, your Strength must be at least that high to succeed. Your odds of success are the same as before, but with this new system, you can try more than once, though it won’t make a difference if your Strength hasn’t increased. The graphic for the square will change as before to show you’ve already interacted with the square, though this change in graphic no longer signifies that you can’t try again.
- The Gnomish Bore (while operational) is now animated instead of a static graphic.
- When hitting on a bonus attack via the Quick Shot perk, the combat results will now note “You quickly hit” instead of “You magically hit.”
- Many armour/helmet/shield enchantments that provided improved defense either all the time or only under select conditions had their defense bonuses increased by 50% to keep them in line with the strength of other enchantments.
- Querying the Infernal Lamp will now pre-calculate and display how much damage you’ll take if you use it.
- Updated query of Succubus to state that it has a “10% chance of causing 30 turns of Confusion on hit”, instead of just saying “10% chance of causing Confusion on hit.”
- Standardized text output of using Dragon Teeth to start with the headline: “Dragon Teeth!”
- Detected Booby Traps on fixtures should now be visible from the map screen.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed error allowing Advanced Hunting to kick in even if you were killed in the combat, healing you after the combat and potentially resurrecting you.
- Fixed error outputting “Good Luck!” in the situation panel instead of “Jackalope Foot!” when you use a Jackalope Foot.
- Fixed error outputting wrong graphic in your square when you cast Fish Out of Water.
- Fixed gibberish at tail of text output when you try to set a Mindwarp Trap but accidentally trigger it.
- Fixed errors preventing Create Ghoul miracle or Create Vampire miracle from working on Adventurer’s Corpses.
- Fixed error that could permanently halve your Max Health if you were Reincarnated with White Rot.
- Fixed error allowing you to walk away from Recharge Stations with the Recharge screen still open, provided you used the keyboard or numpad.
- Fixed error pasting wrong graphic in text output for Sonic Boom spell.
- Fixed errors where sliding on Ice or because you’re Greasy could slide you into Stalagmites and impale you.
- Fixed error pasting wrong graphic when using a Dorallan Influence miracle.
- Fixed typos and text overwrites in text output of Avalanche event.
- Fixed error where after a Goblin Banditry event occurred, the event text printing for future events on the same level could be partially overwritten.
- Fixed error only disallowing the casting of Create Mundane Item in a square with 26 discarded items, instead of 25 as it should.
- Fixed typo in query of Flying Carpet.
- Fixed error not increasing your Spell Points appropriately if you gained extra Intelligence on level up as a result of the Brainy Perk.
- Fixed major errors where Self Awareness and anything else that should lower the amount drained when one of your Primary Attributes is drained wasn’t lowering the amount.
- Fixed errors where, when your Spell Points or Experience should be drained by a Magic Arch, a Spell Drain Trap, a Shame Cage, or an Aura Disruption Event, Willpower and anything else that should lower the amount drained wasn’t lowering the amount.
- Fixed bug during map generation that internally and erroneously acknowledged that a map contained Acid rather than Mud when generating Mud Rivers. Unsure what consequence this would have had, but it’s fixed now.
- Fixed error that would prevent you from using an unidentified Poison Strike scroll if there was no valid target, when it should expend the scroll.
- Fixed error where there was no impact sound played when a Devil hit you.
- HOPEFULLY fixed an error where Gnomish Automated Armourer could report that it had destroyed a null item, which had no effect on gameplay but made no sense.
- Fixed error allowing Masochism perk to kick in, even if the damage causing it killed you, which could have the effect of leveling you up, screwing up the death.
- Fixed error where querying a Wand of Featherfall was bringing up either no information or inaccurate information.
- Fixed error with Plague event that could mess up the Event text if the plague is a plague of insanity (here now known as Black Queen’s Madness).
- Fixed error where when you first entered a Legendary Land via its doorway, your surroundings would remain shrouded in darkness until you hit a key.
- Fixed bugs not putting decorative Grates on the outer walls of the map next to any form of Bridge.
- Fixed bug where lit Fireplaces weren’t lighting up their environment properly.
- Fixed bug with text output of using a Cup of Tsen-Tsun Vie where it wasn’t notifying you that it had cured your diseases if it had.
- Fixed bug causing query of Bedroll to report that you haven’t yet slept on this map if you’ve already slept more than once.
- Fixed errors that could sometimes put up an incorrect graphic when you spring a Basilisk Snare but cheat death somehow.
- Fixed error occasionally allowing you too many spell points (for instance if you had a Demonic Essence granting you bonus spell points and then it gets destroyed in combat). It now checks at the start of each of your turns and lowers your spell points to your max spell points if needed.
- Fixed error not properly updating the printed calculation for Base Damage 1 in the inventory screen when you are unarmed and have an Electric Touch spell active (though it was applying properly in combat, itself).
- Fixed minor error outputting the word “HORRIFY” in all capital letters instead of properly capitalized as “Horrify” when you activated the Horrify Perk.
- Fixed missing half-sentence in query of Perseverance Miracle.
- Fixed oversights in the Event text and Event queries of Eye for Treasure event and Dwindling Resources event not mentioning the effect those events have on Silver. Fixed same oversight in query of Glyph of Greed Warding.
- Fixed error not labelling the mini-map screen with “Silver Mine” if you’re in a Silver Mine.
- Fixed error allowing you to sometimes auto-walk through Walls of Corpses as long as you had some Disease Resistance, with the likelihood of doing so climbing the higher your Disease Resistance.
- Fixed bug that could occasionally allow you to query a Makeshift Door and get no info (though I haven’t figured out how the Makeshift Door can get into the state where that would have happened in the first place).
- Fixed outdated info in text output of Poison Dart Trap claiming they do 1 to 6 damage and Poison you if they hit, when in fact they do 2 to 5 damage for each 3 levels deep you are and Poison you if they hit.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Goblin Leader.
- Fixed error that would scroll the word “Asleep” instead of “Paralyzed” when a monster successfully casts Hold Monster against another monster.
- Fixed errors not labelling queried Large Chests properly with their trapped status, if it should be known.
- Fixed errors printing the odds of disarming a known Large Trapped Chest in the wrong part of the screen.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Hawkman Leader.
- Fixed error allowing monsters to enter Locked/Barricaded doors of all types without obstruction, instead of trying to bash them down as they should.
- Fixed rather serious error turning every Shrine belonging to a Minor Deity illusionary.
- Fixed error always spawning a new Mine Cart the second the old one leaves the map, when there’s supposed to be a 1 in 50 chance each turn the mine cart isn’t on the map that a new one shows up.
- Fixed error causing Bugbear Berserker’s chance to hit not to flicker and shift when querying it.
- Fixed major error causing Violence Skill to have no effect whatsoever! This bug was likely introduced back in ver. 99.61, on Dec. 20, 2020, and I’m super embarrassed that it was allowed to stay intact all this time. But it’s fixed now!
- Fixed typo in query of Wand of Acid Jetting.
- Fixed error allowing you to see the words “Summn” or “Charm” on Summoned or Charmed monsters that weren’t in your square even while you were Blind.
- Fixed error allowing Tree Man Unique Ability to extend the duration of ESP effects that weren’t caused by the spell.
- Fixed errors sometimes confusing whether a Psychic Fear scroll is Low Power or Mid Power.
- Fixed 3 cases in the query of various things that referenced “Unexplored Territory” when what was really meant was “Unknown Territory”.
- Fixed errors that could screw up the outcomes if you tried to cast any spell that required you to click a highlighted square via a Wand/Staff/Rod.
- Fixed error scrolling “Exp Drain” twice if you fail to resist a Damning Prophecy event.
- Fixed a few errors relating to the animation of certain tiles, where they could get out of whack and sort of “spasm”.
- Fixed error not taking into account Sand Scoured Monoliths when printing your odds to hit a queried monster in combat.
- Fixed bug outputting “Second Breakfast” instead of “What’s the Buzz?” when your “What’s the Buzz?” perk kicks in.
- Fixed bug in cases where a monster cast Frost Breath, Frost Blast or Freeze against another monster, where it wouldn’t apply the targeted monster’s cold resistance unless the monster was also at least 1% heat resistant.
- Fixed bugs that prevented the spell drain sound effect from playing and the text above your character from scrolling when an Aura Disruption event occurred. Fixing this also fixed a bug that prevented any Willpower effects from lowering the amount of spell drain occurring, if the effect failed to prevent the Aura Disruption from occurring in the first place.
- Fixed error not displaying broken rope bridges over ice (the rope bridge just basically turned invisible when it snapped).
- Fixed bug labelling a Destroyed Corrupted Shrine a “Destroyed Glyph of Death” and giving information on Destroyed Glyphs of Death when queried.
- Fixed typo in query of Fivriaskus Appears event.
- Fixed error erroneously adding 1 to the Traps Detected tally if you’d already detected a trap and later disarmed it.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Glyph of Death.
- Fixed text overwrites during Character Creation in queries of why the Not Recommended status appeared if playing a Gnome and selecting the Baloraasinian, Hornan or Malevian religions.
- Fixed oversights in Lowering Ceiling Traps and Spiked Lowering Ceiling Traps not letting you know in the text output the range of damage they can do if they’re not stopped.
- Fixed typo in query of Counterspell scroll.
- Fixed error that could output gibberish if you contracted Fragilitas as the result of a Plague event.
- Fixed typo in the text output that accompanied the gain of the Instant Sale perk.
- Fixed typo in query of Cold Immunity icon.
- Fixed error causing the Glyph of Ruination miracle to result in a Destroyed Glyph of Ruination instead of a functional one, 10% of the time.
- Fixed error where, if you tried to read Non-Corrosive Concepts: Vol. 3 when your Dexterity was too low to learn Expert Acid Resistance, it would tell you that your Dexterity was too low, but would learn you the skill anyway, and would then lower your Trap Setting skill by 1 level.
- Fixed bug causing the game’s “little cave” .exe icon not to show up in the main game folder (instead it was simply a generic .exe tag).
- Using a Flask of Acid on a monster that cannot have its defense lowered because of its monster type will no longer falsely report that the monster resisted having its defense lowered because of its Acid Resistance, but will instead make clear the real reason.
- Fixed bug causing Greasy monsters to slide at the start of their movement, rather than after their movement, which meant that when fighting you, even if they slid away, they would just then step back into your square.
- Fixed typo in the text output of finding/conjuring a Giant Trophy.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Orcish Domains level title.
- Fixed error causing Golembane and Anti-Golem weapons wielded in the primary hand to do extra Fire damage.
- Fixed error causing Golemfoe, Golembane and Anti-Golem weapons wielded in the secondary hand to do normal damage, but to convert all damage done by whatever weapon is wielded in the primary hand to magic damage.
- Fixed bug allowing Dwarven Maps to “reveal” minable walls atop walls that were already unusual (for instance, atop Stained Glass Windows).
- Fixed bug which had a theoretical, roughly 1 in a billion chance of freezing the game when you found a Dwarven Map.
- Fixed error allowing initial placement during map generation of Silver Veined Walls, Gold Veined Walls, Platinum Veined Walls and Gemmed Walls atop walls that were already unusual.
- Fixed error where incurring Elshaneth’s wrath at her shrine would always tell you you took 15 damage, even if your Physical Resistance lowered the amount.
- Fixed potential pluralization errors when killing a monster with Flaming Darts, Frost Breath, Frost Blast or Freeze spells, (“doing 1 points of damage, killing it!”)
- Fixed bug that would tell you you “construct” a fruit or vegetable when Nature’s Gift kicks in. (It will now tell you you “gather” it).
- Fixed bug prompting you to “Sit on Throne” a second time (though you couldn’t actually do so), if you sat on a Cursed Throne and somehow resisted the Attribute drain.
- Fixed errors allowing Fuming event, Steam Burst Eruptions event, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes event, Venting event, Collapsing event and Acid Rain event to spawn their square types in Gemmed Walls, Gold Veined Walls, Silver Veined Walls, Fractured Walls, Iron Walls, Ice Walls and Platinum Veined Walls.
- Temple of Temptation legendary land lacked a Temple square, which could cause problems in rare circumstances. One has been added.
- Fixed error that could result in a second partial text output if, during combat, a monster should have caused your Max Health to be drained, but Self Awareness skill protected you.
- Fixed bug that could occasionally result in you finding an INVALID prayer - sometimes this would be listed as such, though sometimes it would masquerade as something else.
- Fixed bug not graying out Visited Sepulchres on the mini-map.
- Fixed outdated info in text output of Baloraasin’s Curse trap, stating the trap can destroy a random number of items between 1 and all you possess, when it’s actually between 0 and all you possess.
- Fixed error when you read a Cursed Scroll of Monster Attraction not telling you that while the effect lasts you’ll have -10 to hit and -10 Defense. Also clarified opening sentence to read “All monsters know where you are” instead of “All monsters will seek you out” to make sure the effect of the Curse is clear.
- Fixed (I think) errors that could occur with Exhaustion event, Stomach Flu event and Shakes event, sometimes doubling the length of time the associated negative effects would last.
- Fixed pluralization errors in results from examining a Mosaic, that could tell you it revealed “1 Pit Traps” or “1 Booby Traps”.
- Fixed errors causing Mosaics to only reveal the location of explicit Booby Traps and Paper Traps. They should now also reveal the locations of traps on fixtures such as doors and chests.
- Fixed error where if a Treeman character already had a Spider Climb effect that was longer lasting than the Featherfall effect he/she was about to cast, the Featherfall effect wouldn’t come into play.
- Fixed error causing Luckstones to lower the amount of Attribute drain you suffered by 90% instead of 10%.
- Fixed spacing error in query of Man Flesh if you have the Eat It Raw perk.
- Updated overlooked info in query of Glove of Passage letting you know that it will also allow you to open Trap Doors without complication.
- Fixed bug causing Friendly Pendulum Traps not to properly leave a Pendulum in place.
- Fixed bug that wouldn’t have awared you experience if a monster died in a Pendulum you created.
- Fixed bug when you queried an Electrifying Weapon claiming it did an additional amount of Electrical damage equal to the enemy’s Defense/10, when in fact it does extra damage equal to the enemy’s Defense/20.
- Fixed typo in query of Bane of Hornas miracle.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Lair title in Grubling Hole.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Lair title in Festering Swamp.
- Fixed spacing error in text output when using a Memory Tree and it raises a single monster from the dead.
- Fixed a number of cases where certain gods or goddesses who were supposed to care if you killed a monster by burning/electrifying/freezing them wouldn’t notice if you, say, set them on fire, and they then burned to death over time from that fire rather than instantly from however you initially damaged them.
- Fixed bug causing Elshaneth to be pleased if you killed a monster by any means, provided you were unarmed and had an Electric Touch spell going at the time they died.
- Fixed errors not rounding fractions upward when figuring out proper Faith Gain from sacrifices on Onyx Altars.
- Fixed errors not taking into consideration Divine Relationships when calculating query text output explaining how much Faith you’ll gain from Onyx Altars.
- Updated outdated info in text output of Dorallas’ Light miracle effect, making sure it notes that you can sense all non-Automaton creatures, not all creatures.
- Fixed bug where if you were killed in combat by an insta-kill effect, then somehow resurrected on the temple, you could still thereafter take damage from the attack that killed you. (Now you won’t).
- Fixed bug allowing Amulets of Dirty Fighting/of Eye Gouging/of Enucleation to potentially blind enemies even after you’ve killed them. Fixed the same bug for Rings of the same, provided that ring was your second equipped Ring. (First equipped Rings of this type had the bug fixed ages ago).
- Fixed error incorrectly reporting potential fall damage when querying several different types of detected Pit Traps.
- Fixed error improperly displaying your defense when wearing Zac’s Helmet.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Frozen status.
- HOPEFULLY fixed error causing weird glitch in visual display when you try to pick a door lock and fail.
- Fixed text overwrite in query of Wand of Treasure Detection.
- Fixed bug where Glyphs of Greed Warding weren’t activating if you stole Gems from an Idol.
- Fixed serious bug that could occasionally crash the game when certain Events came into play - this would have happened if the Event was only supposed to place a certain type of monster if that type of monster didn’t already exist on the map, but the monster did exist on the map.
- Fixed error with Unpredictable Outcome miracle that would never teleport the enemy monster but always instead teleport you.
- Fixed error where gaining or improving the Arc Volt perk did not immediately allow you to use it.
Get Caverns of Xaskazien II
Caverns of Xaskazien II
A graphics intensive roguelike. Explore the caves, kill the demon, save one small pocket of the multiverse.
Status | Released |
Author | Virtua Sinner |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | dungeon, Dungeon Crawler, Fantasy, Procedural Generation, Roguelike |
Languages | English |
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